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HOW TO BUY                                       REM PREMIER SHOWROOMS

                                                                               Buying REM products is a fun and exciting        At REM we are proud to display our products and feel it is important to
                                                                               process, just follow these 5 simple steps!       Try Before you Buy. Ar   ound the UK and ROI you can find 12 REM Pre-
                                                                                                                                mier Showrooms located in key positions, each displaying over 18 quality
                                                                               1. CHOOSE A DISTRIBUTOR
                                                                               Visit to find an REM               REM products in a well presented environment. Call your location below
                                                                               distributor near you, or contact our sales       to book an appointment to visit.
                                                                               team by phone on 01282 619977 or by
                                                                               email at
                                                                               Please Note – REM products are only
                                                                               available through one of our 600
                                                                               worldwide distributors.
                                                                                                                                 1  COATBRIDGE HAIR & BEAUTY  7  CHRIS & SONS
                                                                               2. SELECT YOUR PRODUCT                              COATBRIDGE                  ENFIELD
                                                                               You can find our products in this                   ML5 4AQ                     EN1 1TX
                                                                               catalogue, on our website, or on one of             07825 910295                020 8443 8940
                                                                               our REM distributor’s website.                                               8  KB SALON SUPPLIES
                                                                               As a trade manufacturer and supplier of           2  TG SALON SUPPLIES          SOUTHAMPTON
                                                                               Professional Hair & Beauty Furniture the            CRAMLINGTON
                                                                               prices shown in our catalogue excl VAT.             NE23 6XW                    SO14 5QA
                                                                                                                                   01670 458300                0844 335 6121                                      1
                                                                               3. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM
                                                                               At the REM Showroom you will find the             3  REM UK                  9  PHAB
                                                                               worlds largest display of REM furniture.            NELSON
                                                                               We have over 200 beautifully crafted                BB9 8AW                     EX2 5GL                                                      2
                                                                               furniture items for you to Try Before you           01282 619977                01392 361800
                                                                               Buy. You will receive a warm and friendly         4                          10  HENNESSEY'S
                                                                               welcome from our expert Sales Team who              SALON EQUIPMENT CENTRE      CORK
                                                                               offer advice, ideas and tips on creating a          LEICESTER
                                                                               stunning Salon environment.                         LE17 4YB                    T12 XT61                         11
                                                                                                                                   01455 553558                00 353 21 434 3436                                       3
         REM and its predecessors         production of its goods. The aim     4. PERSONALISE YOUR CHOICE                                                                                       12
         have been manufacturing a        is and has always been to design,    Once you have chosen your products, you           5  IDEAL                   11  SALLY
         diverse range of Salon and       create and manufacture high          can choose from over 42 different colour            PETERBOROUGH                D22 NY23              10
                                                                                                                                   PE1 5TP
         Beauty furniture in the heart of   quality products to a professional   options (displayed on pages 184 - 187).           01733 342924                00 353 1460 9960
         Lancashire for over 100 years,   industry throughout both the UK      Once you have finalised your REM order,                                                                                                    4    5
         and are extremely proud of their   and export markets.                you will receive an accurate delivery date        6  KB SALON SUPPLIES       12  CAPITAL
         heritage. As the years rolled by,                                     from your distributor.                              GLOUCESTER                  DUBLIN                                               6
         they found themselves developing   Every product made is quality      5. DELIVERY *                                       GL2 5DP                     D12 X400                                                        7
         the business into the Spa and    assured, following the guidelines    Each product page specifies typical                 01452 383383                00 353 1408 9022
         Educational sectors - specialising   set out in British Standards.    lead times for all products for delivery via                                                                                  9          8
         in the completion of many        These standards comply with          designated carriers or the REM fleet of
         prestigious spa's and training   current regulations including CE,    vehicles. A premium 2 man delivery is also
         academies around the world. Its   WRAS and RoHS certifications.       available (POA).
         ethics as a British manufacturer   All products are manufactured
         are to employ a local labour force   under stringent Health and       Page 6 contains a number of items held
         and to specify, where possible,   Safety policies, protecting both    in stock for any urgent needs and can
         UK componentry used in the       employees and end users.             be delivered within 14 days of your              *Delivery is included for orders above £300 +vat to UK mainland. Exclusions include offshore
                                                                               confirmed order.
                                                                                                                                islands and the darker areas shown on the map.
         4                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5
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