Page 22 - How To Avoid Going Bust In Business
P. 22

A great motivational speaker I heard years ago suggested that from time to time as
               required you should set aside five minutes as “worry time”.

               “Go off into a corner, have a good worry about everything and anything that’s
               bothering you.  Then put them behind you”.

               Make a decision to get out of the corner and hit the problems head on and hard.

               Instead of worrying when you should be sleeping, let your mind wander among the
               good things in life.  Think happy thoughts.  Maybe let your mind go back to a time
               when the world was good for you.  Or visualise yourself succeeding, beating the
               odds. Making it big.

               It was Napoleon Hill who said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the
               mind can achieve.” Hill is most famously known for a book called, Think and Grow

               If you drift off to sleep with positive thoughts in your mind you will get a more settled
               night. You might even find that while you sleep your mind solves some of the

               It’s a fact that our most creative thoughts well up from deep within our sub-conscious
               mind.  The sub-conscious never sleeps.  In fact, it works best when you are asleep,
               beavering away at ideas and problems.

               Ever woken up in the middle of the night with a great idea?

               Ever woken up the next morning and couldn’t remember that great idea?

               Have a pad and pen beside the bed.  Just in case.

               To sum up these first three ideas:

               You need to accept that there is a major problem and that you will face some very
               challenging days, weeks and months. You need to sharpen up, be clear-headed, on
               top of your game. In the popular parlance of today “Get your game face on”.
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