Page 11 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 11
13. Why can bears survive in cold weather? 14. Which part of bears has a great function?
a. They eat much honey. a. Eyes c. Ears
b. They have big bodies. b. Nose d. Lips
c. The have great power. 15. When do bears fi nd snug places?
d. They have thick fur coats. a. In spring. c. In autumn.
b. In dry seasons. d. In winter.
B. Complete the sentence using has or have.
1. I ... new umbrella.
2. My sister ... a new cupboard.
3. You ... a cute dog.
4. We ... black shoes.
5. The city library ... many books.
6. They ... two white rabbits.
7. This man ... no family.
8. Sandy ... many friends.
9. Santi and Siska ... a new bicycle.
10. She ... a red car.
C. Answer the following questions!
The following text is for questions 1–3.
She is my aunt name is Bella. She is a veterinarian. She loves animals their health. She provides emergency
care when an animal is sick or injured. Occasionally, she performs animal surgeries. She assists the animals
with diffi cult births. She evaluates animals that show signifi cant behavioural or physiological changes.
1. What does Mrs. Bella do?
2. Which does Mrs. Bella provide emergency care for?
3. When does Mrs. Bella evaluate the animals?
For number 4 – 5, make negative sentences!
4. She writes a letter.
5. Deni and Ari swim in the swimming pool.
Give the check list ( ) sign to these state ments according to your choice!
No. Pernyataan A N D DS
1. We should love animals around us.
2. Keeping a pet is an interesting hobby.
3. We should feed our pets three times a day.
4. Each person habit is different from others.
5. We can use simple past when we talk about routine
A : Agree (Setuju) D : Doubt (Ragu-Ragu)
N : Neutral (Netral) DS : Disagree (Tidak setuju)
Read the text and answer the questions!
Erlin and her family have a large garden in the backyard. They usually do gardening on Sunday. Erlin usually
waters the plants in the pots and her mother sweeps the garden. When Erlin has fi nished, she helps her mother to
collect the rubbish and to dispose it into the rubbish bins. Meanwhile, her brother, Edwin, trims plants and her father
cleans the garden. After the work is over, they have meals in the clean garden. What a solid family!
Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 11