Page 14 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 14


               Study the pictures below. Match the words with the pictures in the box.
                Gardening        Cleaning the bathroom     Reading a newspaper

                                                   Present Continuous
               The form of the present participle is: base+ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving, smiling.
               1.  Affi rmative: Subject + to be + base (ing)
                   Example: She is talking                       Questioning
               2.  Negative: Subject + to be + not + base (ing)  Look around you. Ask your friends what they are
                   Example: She is not talking.                  doing now. Then, tell your classmates.
               3.  Interrogative: to be + subject + base (ing)
                   Example: Is the takking.
               The present continuous is used:
               1.  To describe an action that is going on at this moment:
                   Example: You are using the Internet. You are studying English grammar.
               2.  To describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend: Are you still working for
                   the same company?; More and more people are becoming vegetarian.
               3.  To describe an action or event in the future, which has already been planned or prepared.
                   Example: We’re going on holiday tomorrow; Are they visiting you next winter?
               4.  To describe a temporary event or situation.
                   Example: He usually plays the drums, but he’s playing bass guitar tonight.
               5.  With “always, forever, constantly”, to describe and emphasise a continuing series of repeated actions.
                   Example: Harry and Sally are always arguing!

               Task 1                                                 Exploring
                                                                      Find  some  English  text  books.  Identify  the
               Listen and repeat the dialogues after your teacher!    sentences that using presents continuous Tense,
               Dialogue 1                                             Write them in your book.
               Dea    :   What are you doing?
               Anis   :   I am studying English. What are you doing?
               Dea    :   I am eating some snacks. Do you want some?
               Anis   :   Sure.
               Dialogue 2
               Dayu  :   Hello, may I speak to Rio?
               Rio    :   Yes, it’s me. Who is speaking?
               Dayu  :   Hi, I am Dayu. Are you busy at the moment?
               Rio    :   Hi Dayu, yep a bit busy right now. I am doing my homework now.

                14                                 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013
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