Page 19 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 19
Make questions using present continuous tense!
1. You / water / the fl owers
2. Where / she / bake / the cookies
3. Your brothers / go / fi shing / this afternoon
4. He / write / a letter / to grandma
5. Who / build / the sand castle / on the beach
Write down at least ten activities that your family are doing in the table. Share your work with
the class.
Acitivities of the Family Members
No. Time Elder Brother/ Younger
Father Mother
Sister Brother/Sister
1. Early morning Praying Praying Praying Praying
Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 19