Page 23 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 23

2.  Two-Syllable Adjectives                            Exploring
                   If the adjective has two or more syllables, we add most
                                                                      Find some things in your classroom or around your
                   before the adjective.                              school. Compare the things using comparative and
                   For example: This book is the most expensive book.  superlative degree.
                   Irregular Forms
                   There are a few irregular forms.                   Associating
                                                                      Make a conversation between you and your partner
                   •   good – better – best
                                                                      about degree of comparison!
                   •   bad – worse – worst
                   •   far – farther – farthest
                   •   far – further – furthest
                                                                      Act your conversation above in front of your friends!
                   •   little – less – least
                   •   much/many – more – most
                   For example: I am far from home, he is further from home, but he is the furthest from home.

               Make a list of adjectives (at least 10) and write the comparative and superlative forms!

               Choose two cities in your country. Make a comparison between them. Use comparative and superlative
               form. Then, report it to the class!

               Read the dialogue and answer the following questions!
               Jesica  :  Look! These jackets are nice. Which one do you like better?
               Selly   :  I like the wool one better.
               Jesica  :  Really? Why?
               Selly   :  It looks warmer.
               Jesica  :  Well, I prefer the leather one. It’s more attractive than the wool one.
               Selly   :  Hmm. There’s no price tag.
               Jesica  :  Excuse me. How much is this jacket?
               Clerk   :  It’s Rp500.000. Would you like to try it on?
               Jesica  : Oh no. That’s OK! But thank you anyway.
               Clerk   : You’re welcome.
               1.  Where does the conversation probably take place?
               2.  What does Selly think of the wool jacket?
               3.  What does “more attractive” mean (in bahasa Indonesia)?
               4.  Which one does Jesica like better? And why?
               5.  How much is the jacket?

                 B.   TO BE PROUD OF THEM

               Task 1
               Read these sentences then complete correctly!
               1.  Rudi’s bike is expensive. Yadi’s bike is ... than Rudi’s bike.
               2.  My shoes are big. Yours are small. My shoes are ... than yours.
               3.  Classical music is good. Modern music is good.
                   Classical music is ... modern music.
               4.  A: Which do you like better a comedy or an action fi lm?
                   B: I like both. I think a comedy fi lm is ... action one.
               5.  A: Which one is better, travelling by a taxi or a bus?
                   B: Of course by a taxi, but traveling by bus is ... than a taxi.

                       Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013                     23
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