Page 26 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 26
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the adjectives in brackets, whether they are
comparative or superlative!
There are two mountain cats, named Livi and Liva. They were good friends.
One day, they found a lump of meat. Livi suggested they share the meat fairly, but Liva disagreed.
She needed (1. many) ... meat than Livi. She didn’t want to receive (2. little) .... meat than Livi because
her body was (3. big) ... than her friend. Livi which saw it for the fi rst time didn’t agree with that opinion.
By chance, Livi saw Bari, a big bear, approaching them. Although Bari was the (4. wild) ... animal
among the beasts, he was quite friendly. Livi thought Bari was (5. wise) ... and (6. fair) ... than both
of them. Then, she called him out and asked for his solution.
Livi explained what had happened. Bari knew what he had to do. Then he cut the meat with his
sharp claws. However, Livi couldn’t accept it because Liva got (7. heavy) ... and (8. delicious) ... part
of the meat.
Suddenly Bari tried to bite the meat. Liva then asked, “What are you doing? Don’t try to fool us,
Bari. Look! You’ll even get a bigger bite than us!” Then, Livi and Liva chased him away.
Knowing their mistakes, Livi and Liva befriended again. They realized that they had to be (9.
patient) ... when facing a problem. This experience made them even (10. close) ... than before. Finally,
they enjoyed the meal together.
C. Read the text below and answer the questions!
Dina and Dani are Edi’s classmates. They are twins. Dina is a girl and Dani is a boy. Their face
look almost similar. Dina’s eyes are as big as Dani’s. She also has straight hair like Dani. If Dani’s
hair is as long as Dina’s, maybe Edi cannot tell which Dani or Dina is. Luckily, Dina’s hair is longer
than Dani. But they also have some differences. Dina is 145 cm, meanwhile Dani is 155 cm. Another
difference is Dani is slightly heavier than Dina. He is 50 kg and Dina is 45 kg.
1. What are the similarities between Dina and Dani?
2. What are the differences between Dina and Dani?
3. Which one is the older between Dina and Dani?
4. Which one is the taller between Dina and Dani?
5. Which one is the heavier between Dina and Dani?
Give the check list ( ) sign to these statements according to your choice!
No. Statements A N D DS
1. We must be creative people.
2. Hard work will not lie the result.
3. Doing observation make us learn English easily.
4. Being different is not good for us.
5. To learn comparative degree we should know all adjectives
in English.
Note: A : Agree (Setuju); N : Neutral (Netral);D : Doubt (Ragu-ragu); DS : Disagree (Tidak Setuju)
Make comparative sentence for the two things in each number!
1. Harry Potter novels / popular / Fantastic Beasts novels
2. Doing homework / important / playing
3. Swimming / tiring / playing badminton
4. My city / beautiful / London
5. English test / diffi cult / History test
26 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013