Page 21 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 21


               Observe the pictures below, then fi nd fi ve words and translate them!

                                                                      Make three questions and answers based on the
                                                                      picture above!

               Task 1
               Listen and repeat after your teacher!
               Dialogue 1
               Desta   :   Which restaurant do you like?
               Rini    :   Bella Rosa is good, the good food is delicious but it is expensive. McDonalds is cheaper,
                         but it’s really unhealthy. I think the Indonesian restaurant is the best, it’s the cheapest, the
                         healthiest, and the most delicious!
               Dialogue 2
               Anna    :   How is your English going?
               Dika    :   Oh, it’s much better these days. It’s easier than before, and I know more words and I can
                         speak more confi dently. It’s great.
               Anna    :   I’m really glad to hear it. Keep up the great work!

               Task 2
               Practice the dialogue with your partner and answer the questions orally!
               Tommy  :   Hi, Diana? How was your vacation experiences?
               Diana   :   Hi Tommy … It was cool. I visited some countries.
               Tommy  :   Wow… that was awesome. So what is the best one?
               Diana   :   Well, I visited 3 countries in the world. In my own opinion, Italy is better than Netherlands but the most
                         perfect when I visited French.
               Tommy  :   Yes, I agree with you that French is the best place but I am not sure if Italy is better than Netherland.
                         In my view, Netherlands is more awesome than Italy.
               Diana   :   Yups, we have a different opinion, but that’s OK, Tommy.
               Tommy  :   That’s alright Diana. It’s a nice conversation. See you around, Diana.
               Diana   :   OK… Have a nice day Tommy.
               Tommy  :   So do you.
               1.  What does the speakers talk about?
               2.  How many countries did Diana visit?
               3.  What is Diana’s opinion about Italy?
               4.  Does Tommy agree with Diana’s opinion about Italy?
               5.  According to the speakers, what is the best place – Italy, Netherlands, or French?

                       Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013                     21
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