Page 18 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 18

C.  Read the text below then answer the questions!
                      Hello, I’m Sarah. I and my family are in the park. Today is Sunday. Many people are gathering in
                   the park. Some people are sitting on the bench. My brother is wearing a light-blue cap. He is walking
                   our dog, Jerry. My dad and grandfather are wearing running shoes. They are jogging. My mom is
                   wearing glasses. She is reading a novel from Andrea Hirata on the grass. And there are many friends,
                   too. They are taking their bike. They are biking around the park. Look at big tree! There are fl ock of
                   birds. They are perching on the branch. The park is so crowded today.

                   1.  What is the writer’s father and grandfather doing in the park?
                   2.  What is the writer’s brother wearing at the moment?
                   3.  Why is the writer’s mother wearing glasses?
                   4.  What are the birds doing?
                   5.  “They are biking around the park.” What does the word ‘they’ refer to?

               Give the check list (  ) these state ments according to your choice!
                 No.                       Pernyataan                        A       N       D      DS
                  1.  Enrich our vocabularies helps us to learn English easily.
                  2.  Practicing English can be done in school, home, or public
                  3.  To speak English fl uently we should understand the tenses.
                  4.  We  can  talk  about  the  event  in  future  using  present
                      continuous tense.
                  5.  English grammar is more diffi cult than bahasa Indonesia.
               A   : Agree (Setuju)        D    : Doubt (Ragu-ragu)
               N   : Neutral (Netral)      DS  : Disagree (Tidak Setuju)

               Read the dialogue and answer the following questions!
               Denias is meeting Emily at the lobby of the English course place.
               Denias :   Hi, Emily! What are you doing here?
               Emily  :   Hi, Denias! I am waiting for Erlin.
               Denias :   As I know she does not have a class today. What is she doing?
               Emily  :   She is returning Mr. Andika’s book.
               Denias :   I see.
               Emily  :   Anyway, will you have a class?
               Denias :   No, I won’t. I am waiting for Mrs. Anita. I am going to consult my assignment. She is having a
                        class now. It will fi nish in fi ve minutes.
               Emily  :   I see.
               1.  Why is Erlin coming to the English course?
               2.  What is the relationship between Denias and Emily?
               3.  What is Denias doing?
               4.  What is Denias going to do in fi ve minutes ahead?
               5.  Denias says, “I am going to consult my assignment.” What is the synonym of ‘consult’?

                18                                 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013
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