Page 17 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 17
at the stand. Several students are buying food from our stand. 9. What is Erna like?
The principal, the teachers, and staff are also participating in a. Caring. c. Patient.
the event. They are buying items from the bazaar. b. Friendly. d. Generous.
4. What is the text about? 10. From the dialogue above, we know that Mr.
a. A school band show. Andy is ....
b. Cutting cone. a. helping a kitten
c. A school bazaar. b. bringing an umbrella
d. A charity program. c. asking about Erna’s activity
5. Who are the committee of the event? d. wearing a raincoat
a. All students. 11. Why does Mr. Andy ask Erna to bring the cat
b. The student council members. soon?
c. The principal and teachers. a. Because the cat is injured.
d. The students in the writer’s class. b. Because he is worrying about Erna.
6. What is the writer doing? c. Because Erna is not using umbrella.
a. He is selling handicrafts. d. Because Erna’s skirt is getting wet.
b. He is serving the buyers. 12. “Its leg is trapped on the vines.” The word ‘it’
c. He is walking around the event. in the sentence refers to ....
d. He is buying food from a food stand. a. Mr. Andy c. rain
7. These items are sold in the school bazaar, b. Erna d. the cat
except .... 13. I ... the movie tonight.
a. beverages c. handicrafts a. watch c. watches
b. food d. medicine b. am watching d. is watching
8. “The principal, the teachers, and staff are 14. Listen! Your father ... to a friend right now.
also participating in the event.” The word a. talk c. is talking
‘participating’ is synonymous with .... b. talks d. are talking
a. setting up c. announcing 15. The girl ... a book at the corner of the room
b. developing d. taking a part now.
The following dialogue is for questions 9–12. a. read c. am reading
Mr. Andy : Erna, what are you doing there? It is b. reads d. is reading
Erna : I am helping a kitten, Dad. Its leg is trapped
on the vines.
Mr. Andy : Let me take you an umbrella.
Erna : Don’t worry, Dad. I am wearing raincoat.
Mr. Andy : Bring it here soon. Your skirt is getting wet.
Erlin : All right. I am coming home.
B. Put the verbs in the bracket into present continuous form!
1. They ... (to study) grammar in English course right now.
2. I have a plan to go to Stefan’s house tonight. And I decide to go with my mother. Once I have
arrived there, Stefan ... (to eat) his dinner.
3. Tonight, I have some free time so that I decide to join my brother to watch my favourite movie at
the teather. We ... (to leave) for the teather at nine o’clock.
4. I have submitted my paper for the conference since two days ago. And now, the committee
members ... (to examine) whole material from all the attendants.
5. Elena is successful businesswoman. She often travels all around the world. For attending the
international conference, she ... (to go) to France tomorrow.
6. I ... (to try) my best at chess competition today.
7. My sister is an athlete. She ... (to play) to tennis right now.
8. The weather forecast was good, but it ... at the moment.
9. We ... (to speak) English at the moment.
10. My brother ... (to do) his homework together with his seatmate.
Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 17