Page 4 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 4
Listening and Writing
Task 1
Listen your teacher carefully, then complete the column Observing
below! Observe the picture below, then write animal in
the picture!
The lion is a large mammal of the cat family.
1. ..........................
There are about 30,000 lions left in the wild in Africa.
2. ..........................
Only 350 lions are left in Asia. Lions hunt many animals; for
3. ..........................
example, gnus and antelopes. 4. ..........................
Lions live in groups that are called prides. Lions do not 5. ..........................
allow other carnivores (meat-eating animals) to hunt in their 6. ..........................
territory. The lions roar is distinct to each individual, and is used 7. ..........................
for territorial making, and warning off other lions in separate 8. ..........................
prides (or lone individuals).
Animal Habitat Food Characteristics
A lion ................................ ................................ ................................
Task 2
Practice the dialogue with your friend. Then make a dialogue like the dialogue below.
A : Look at the animals!
B : Wow, they are kangaroos. Do you know the activity of the
What do you think
about this animal?
A : Yes, of course. They hop. They are very funny. Do you ever see this
B : Yes, you are right. They are unique animals. Kangaroos are animal? Mention three
marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an characteristics about
this animal. Compare
external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo
your answer with your
is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this friend!
pouch where it spends its fi rst fi ve months of life.
Attention! Exploring
Simple Present Tense Fill in the following table with the correct answer!
The present tense is the base form of the verb. It indicates Animal Habitat Food Activity Description
that an action is present, now, relative to the speaker or
writer. Generally, it is used to describe actions that are
factual or habitual - things that occur in the present but
that are not necessarily happening right now. Tiger
1. The Form
a. Affi rmative
Subject + verb1 (s/es) + object/complement
Example: Siska eats toast and drinks milk for breakfast.
b. Negative
Subject + do/does + not + verb1 + object/complement
Example: They don’t practice basketball in Saturday.
c. Interrogative
Do/does + subject + verb1 + object/complement + ?
Example: Does he like scary movie?
4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013