Page 2 - Town of Newcomb Job Posting April 2021
P. 2


         Part-time Provisional Appointment – Civil Service Exempt Classifica-
         tion (24 hours per week min. w/ potential for full time placement)
         Hourly Rate: $18.50 (No Benefits)

               Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper to the Supervisor

         Successful applicant will 1.) Assist the Supervisor in the performance
         of his duties as chief fiscal officer of the Town of Newcomb 2.) Assist
         with the preparation of tentative and final budgets, preparing claims
          for Town Board audit 3.) Payroll processing, 4.) Preform banking re-
         lated tasks, 5.) Manage, and supervise all functions related to day-to-
                   day operations of the Town Supervisor’s Office.

          Successful applicant will perform a variety of human resource man-
          agement functions in support of Town operations and shall perform
          such other and further duties as are assigned from time to time by
                                  the Supervisor.

         Successful applicant must be reliable, highly organized, able to multi-
            task, proficient with Municipal Accounting and Microsoft Office
          Suites, posses an ability to learn in a new accounting software envi-
         ronment, have excellent typing skills, filing, and data entry skills and
         possess excellent mathematical, verbal, and, written communication
                  skills, with strict attention to detail and accuracy.
          Please send letter of interest, including a brief biography of past ex-
         perience and skills by April 11, 2021 to:

                                Supervisors Office

                                   P.O. Box 405

                            Newcomb, New York 12852

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