Page 11 - Prep School Parent Handbook 2018-2019
P. 11
NEW PuPILs’ 2018–2019 New Pupils’ Day – Thursday 21st June 2018
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you and your daughter to our New Pupils’ Day. This event is designed as a taster day for your daughter, giving her the opportunity to meet other new girls in her year group and to get to know the teachers she will have next year. She will also have the chance to start to form new friendships with some of our current girls as they will also be taking part in this taster day, getting a irst hand experience of moving up a year for the day by meeting their new teachers and the new cohort of girls.
It is also a great opportunity for parents to meet other new families and to ask any questions ahead of their daughter joining us in September.
The programme for the day will be as follows:
9.00 am
Year 1 – Year 6 children arrive and join Prep School classes
1.30 pm
Nursery and Reception children arrive – parents gather in the Theatre
1.40 pm
Parents of Year 1 – Year 6 children are invited to return
1.45 pm
Talk from Mrs Crouch, Head of Prep, and our Form Representatives in the Theatre
2.15 pm
Parents are invited to the Dining Room for refreshments. Bags are available to buy and second hand uniform is on sale in the Upper Atrium. Our uniform supplier will be there to offer help and advice as required.
3.00 pm
Nursery and Reception parents collect children from the Early Years door Year 1 – Year 6 parents collect children from the Dining Room
There will be lots of people to help you ind your way around during our New Pupils’ Day and we look forward to seeing you there. Please look out for the email reminder and let us know how many people will be attending so that we can cater appropriately.