Page 12 - Prep School Parent Handbook 2018-2019
P. 12

Getting ready for her first day at Headington Prep
We are really excited about welcoming your daughter to Headington Prep School in September and we hope that you will find the information below helpful before she starts.
Joining at Early Years Foundation stage
The first days of school are very important and it can be quite daunting, however there are lots of things you can do to make it easier for you and your daughter to take that first step. Here are our top tips:
• Teach your child to share, take turns and play cooperatively. Socialising with other children is a skill that has to be learnt gradually. Invite children round to play at home or visit a local toddler activity group.
• Encourage personal independence with dressing, blowing nose, putting on shoes and going to the loo. We do need girls to be fully toilet-trained and have a good understanding of bathroom hygiene before they join us.
• Talk about Nursery/Reception positively before they start. Enjoy books together, such as ‘Topsy and Tim Go To School’ and discuss any concerns that your child may voice. Please don’t give warnings such
as “Mrs X will be cross if you...” which may worry your child.
• Make a fun trip out of getting your daughter’s new uniform and make sure shoes are comfortable.
Please don’t buy lace-up shoes which your child will not be able to fasten independently.
• Arrange for a hearing and eyesight check-up before their first day.
• Promote good manners, particularly using expressions such as “please” and “thank you” and table manners by having family meals. Teach your child to hold a knife and fork correctly and support them in trying to cut up their own food.
• Encourage your child to try some unfamiliar foods at home, as the school lunch menu is quite varied. Plan and allow time for hearty breakfasts so your child will be fuelled to learn.
• Make sure children get enough sleep and encourage early nights. They will feel tired in the first few weeks.
• Encourage children to voice their feelings if anything is worrying or upsetting them.
• Help your child understand that no means no. Do not enter into negotiations in order to gain her
• Talk though your arrangements and ensure your child knows who will pick her up so that she feels safe.
• Say a cheery goodbye and leave when you drop off your child. Please do not linger even if your child appears distressed. We will call you if we have any concerns.
• Meet up with a fellow parent for coffee as you will not be the only person feeling bereft!
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the EYFS Department, via Reception on 01865 759400. Mrs Fleming’s email address is We will be happy to discuss any matter, however small, at the beginning or the end of the day. Please also use the Blue Link diary to communicate information with the EYFS staff.

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