Page 28 - Prep School Parent Handbook 2018-2019
P. 28
Plenty of cycle racks are available within the Prep School grounds.
Parking and walking
Some short-term parking is currently available in Latimer Road, Sandfield Road and Brookside and there is a small car park in St Leonard’s Road (off Windmill Road) and a pay and display car park behind the Waitrose store in Headington and at the White Horse Public House opposite the School. Parents who park in the side roads are asked to be sensitive to our neighbours, who rightly get upset if they cannot access their properties. Please be advised there is no parking in Woodlands Road.
Prep school parking – morning arrangements
A drive-in and drop-off arrangement operates at the Prep School in the mornings and parents may only drive into the drop-off zone in the car park to drop off their children. They should remain in their cars to ensure a continuous traffic flow. Children arriving between 7.45 am and 8.30 am wait in the Dining Room. Parents of younger children who wish to accompany them to the classroom must park off-site and walk.
As there is no parking available at the Prep School between 7.45 am and 8.45 am, we ask all parents to observe the following guidelines when using the car park:
• Please do not drive through, or park, in the staff parking area.
• Please drive into the drop-off zone as far as you possibly can, even if there are no cars behind you.
• Parents who have made early drop off arrangements should also drive into the drop-off zone, as
stopping by the corralled area prevents others behind from entering the car park.
• Please keep to the left-hand side of the drop-off zone to leave space for other cars to drive past if they
need to — please do not stop on the right-hand side.
• Please ensure that children use the footpaths provided and do not cross the car park
• Please drive slowly through the car park, pull out slowly and refrain from turning right at the exit.
We are grateful for your cooperation in maximising the safety of pupils and minimising the potential for accidents.
Prep school parking – afternoon arrangements
In the afternoons we ask that all parents park off-site and walk. Parents may use the car park after 4.00 pm when collecting children from after-school activities/clubs. The car park does get full so we recommend using side streets where possible.
senior school pick-up/drop-off zone
A drive-in and drop-off arrangement also operates at Headington Senior School. Parents of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils with siblings at the Senior School may wish to use this facility but must give written permission for their daughter to walk to and from the Senior School unaccompanied. The drop-off/pick-up zone is near to Hillstow House and girls are able to access the Senior School via the pedestrian pathways/crossing point.
Escorting girls between the senior school and the Prep school
For girls in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6, there is an arrangement available for them to be escorted by members of staff from the Senior School to the Prep School in the morning and to Senior School in the afternoon. Only girls who are travelling home by bus or with a sister in the Senior School will be escorted to the senior site in the afternoons.
If you would like your daughter to be escorted between our two sites, please contact Reception beforehand so that the daily register can be updated. Girls in Year 5 or Year 6 may walk independently to and from their bus stops or to and from the Senior School instead of going with the escorted group, as long as the School has received written permission from parents.