Page 14 - Team Member Handbook Aug 2020.docx
P. 14

POLICY: OVERTIME                                                                                  Policy #5
              CREATION DATE: September 2015
              REVISION DATE: November 2016; June 2017

              EFFECTIVE DATE: January 2016

              Team members will be notified on their Job Description at the time of hire as to whether they
              are classified as “exempt” or “non-exempt” as determined by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
              This  policy  addresses  payment  for  overtime  for  non-exempt  team  members.    Definitions of
              Exempt  and  Non-Exempt  Team  Members  can  be  found  in  the  Team  Member  Classification
              Policy #10.

              Team  members  must  punch  in  and  out  each  day.  These  hours  are  recorded  by  using
              Kronos.  Each team member must sign his or her time card to verify that the reported hours
              worked  are  complete  and  accurate.   Your time  card  must  accurately  reflect  all  regular  and
              overtime hours worked, any absences, late arrivals, early departures and meal breaks.  Do not
              sign your time card unless it is accurate.  If your time card is not accurate, notify your supervisor
              immediately.  When you receive each pay check, please verify immediately that you were paid
              correctly for all regular and overtime hours worked each work week.

              Unless  you  are  authorized  by  your  supervisor,  you  should  not  work  any  hours  that  are  not
              authorized.  Do not start work early, finish work late, work during a meal break or perform any
              other extra or overtime work unless you are authorized to do so and that time is recorded on
              your time card. In cases when obtaining prior approval for overtime is not possible, such as
              situations  involving  late  pick  of  children,  the  team  member  must  inform  their  immediate
              supervisor of the situation as soon as possible following the overtime hours. Team members are
              prohibited from performing any "off-the-clock" work. "Off-the-clock" work means work you may
              perform  but  fail  to  report  on  your  time  card.   Any  team  member  who  fails  to  report  or
              inaccurately reports any hours worked will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including

              It is a violation of the Company's policy for any team member to falsify a time card, or to alter
              another team member's time card. It is also a serious violation of Company policy for any team
              member or manager to instruct another team member to incorrectly or falsely report hours
              worked or alter another team member's time card to under- or over-report hours worked.  If
              any manager or team member instructs you to (1) incorrectly or falsely under- or over-report
              your hours worked, or (2) alter another team member's time records to inaccurately or falsely
              report that team member's hours worked, you should report it immediately to the Chief
              Executive Officer.
              The nature of the duties and responsibilities of some non-exempt team members may require
              overtime work from time to time.  Overtime work should be considered an exceptional situation.

              As  per  Policy  29,  Hours  of  Attendance/Work  Schedules,  non-exempt  team  members  are
              specifically prohibited from doing work at home without prior approval.  Approval will only be
              granted  in  limited  circumstances  with  specific  regard  to  whether  the  work  will  create  and
              overtime pay situation.

              In an urgent situation, a supervisor may inform a team member of the need to work overtime
              with little or no notice.  Team members who refuse overtime assignments may be subject to
              disciplinary action up to and including termination.
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