Page 109 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 109

more expansive than than the the the body body or or narrower than than the the the body? We should observe in in this way because by nature when there is is weightiness it will will put pressure around our our heart If anyone feels heavy we we will will be be aware straightaway that that our our mind has contracted—it is not more more expansive than the the the body anymore In that that that case—just now we we placed a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a sense that that is is light around the the the the the heart-base then we we we expanded the the the the the mind mind outwards outwards Now try this when the the the the the mind mind contracts and and and we we feel heavy expand expand the the the the the sense sense sense of of heaviness narrowness outwards—just like we expanded the the the the sense sense sense of of lightness just just now Expand the the the the sense sense sense outwards expand expand it out out from from our body body far away from from the the the the the the body body See whether the the the the sense sense of of heaviness the the the the sense sense of of discomfort remains or does does does it it it ease does does does it it it fade does does does it it it become lighter?
If anyone can expand their senses in in in this way and and feel that that the the the the weightiness the the the the tightness ease become become finer become become lighter—That is is is is the the the the the way to to extinguish extinguish sufferings sufferings It shows that that we we have the the the mindfulness the the the wisdom to to extinguish extinguish sufferings sufferings We must not forget that we we can make make our our our mind mind mind mind unburdened make make our our our mind mind mind free from the sense sense of self and and expand our our our mind mind mind outward Do we we we notice that that that every time that that that we we we feel heavy we we we will sense sense that that that 101

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