Page 143 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 143

our mind feels impassive—but we call this this “sufferings”—this is is is is a a a a a a a a kind of predisposition Therefore by genuinely contemplating natural conditions in in in in in in the the present practitioners will experience clearly Now after we we can extinguish extinguish sufferings—To provide us with the the the confidence in in in in in in in in the the practice of sufferings sufferings extinguishments we we we should think think about about that that matter matter again When we we we think think about about that that matter matter sensations emerge the the mind mind narrows—then we we we should expand our mind mind anew anew anew Think anew anew anew do do do anew anew anew do do do it repeatedly until we we we we we feel that that no no no matter how we we we we we we think think we we we we we we do do do do not not suffer When we we we we we we think think the mind does not not narrow This means that that that we we we we we we we practice until we we we we we we we feel confident in in in in in ourselves that that that that that we we we we can extinguish sufferings And we we we we experience experience clearly that that that that the the the thoughts that that that that emerge and the the the mind that that that that does its duty to experience experience experience are separate In fact this is is the the the thing that that that practitioners must observe so that that that we can experience experience that that that once once sufferings have been extinguished once once the mind is is uncluttered and light we we can continue to think but we we do not suffer suffer like before While we we we think and we we we feel feel disquiet—once we we we have extinguished sufferings sufferings the mind feels more more uncluttered lighter more more serene sufferings sufferings no no longer emerge We only know what we 135

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