Page 145 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 145

when thinking of matters that that used to disquiet us us we feel that that those thoughts thoughts emerge in in in in an an an empty uncluttered light light space—and the the thoughts thoughts also become light light This is is the the important thing for us to contemplate That the the practitioners can can make make the the senses unburdened uncluttered airy light—and that we we can can expand our mind mind make make the the mind mind unburdened like this—what benefits are there? Do we we notice that that that by doing this this it it it does not not mean that that that practitioners will forget about about about the the matters matters that that that we we we we we were thinking about about about After we we we we we have extinguished sufferings when we we we we we think think about about about the the the matters matters again we we we we we will see the the the the the thoughts emerging in in in in in in in an empty uncluttered uncluttered space Then we we contemplate further whether the the the the the the the mind that that is uncluttered uncluttered light and the the the the the the the matters that that we we we think about—are they one of of the the the the the the the same or or separate? This is is the the the the the contemplation of of dhamma The The more we we we we contemplate the the the clearer clearer we we we we experience experience The The clearer clearer we we we we experience experience and the the more confident we we we are are are sufferings caused by natural conditions that that emerge will will lessen There will will not be any remnants of sufferings sufferings Sufferings totally cease leaving only the the mind that that is is is is serene uncluttered light This is is is is the the way to to extinguish sufferings sufferings 137

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