Page 222 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 222

forward This is is is is the the willful contemplation of of the the clear separation and this is is is is an an important part of of dhamma practice Now in addition to thoughts there are are physical and mental sensations sensations Physical sensations sensations are are ache stiffness numbness itchiness that that emerge We should willfully contemplate the the the separation between the the the the mind that that that does its duty to experience and the the the the ache that that emerges emerges This is is is the the the same kind of contemplation Now how this relates to what I have said just now—when a a a a a a a a a a a a a a thought emerges emerges and mental mental sensations sensations also emerge emerge if we can willfully contemplate their separation the the the mental mental mental sensations sensations sensations will will change From intermingling with the the the thought from mental mental sensations sensations that are gloomy miserable uncomfortable—as soon as as as we we experience the the the the the clear separation the the the the sensations there will ease However sometimes the the the the thought has already disappeared but remnant natural conditions remain which are are are sensations murkiness internal discomfort that that emerge We then contemplate in in in in the the the same way: Sensations that that that are are are lumpy and and heavy and and the the the the the the mind that that does its duty to experience—are they one of the the the the same or separate? In most cases whenever the the the the mind is uncluttered and light murkiness will not emerge However 214

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