Page 224 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 224

more more expansive expansive than than the the physical body it it will be more more expansive expansive than than the the sensations as well If we we we can observe in in this way it it shows that that our mindfulness is is is is robust and we we we also have wisdom Wisdom how? Mental sensations are the the the the the mind mind mind mind mind the the the the the mind mind mind mind mind that that does its duty to experience experience is is is is is is is also the the the the the the the the mind—so this is is is is is is is the the the the the the the the separation separation of the the the the the the the the mind mind mind mind mind from the the the the the the the the mind mind mind mind mind This This is is is is is is is to experience experience the the the the the the the the clear separation separation separation This This is is is is is is is the the the the the the the the separation separation between the the the the the state of mind mind mind and the the the the the mind mind mind that does its duty to to to to experience (vinnana ru) Sensations are are mental mental factors factors factors (cetasik) mental mental factors factors factors are are are the the the the the mind mind Mental factors factors factors emerge at at at at the the the the the same same place and at at at at the the the the the the same same time as the the the the the the mind—but they are are separate from the the the the the the mind mind that does its duty to to to experience experience Practitioners just need to to to be be still and continually have the the the the the intention to to to experience experience the the the the the clear separation—then (the separation) will naturally be be apparent Whatever we we contemplate we we should observe in in in this way then then the the the the mind will will separate from each other Here I am am talking about natural conditions (sabhava dhamma) / the the the the willful willful contemplation of the the the clear separation By willfully contemplating like this this with every natural condition (arammana) this this is is is called “dhamma vicaya”—the investigation of dhamma dhamma according to the the Truth that emerges The

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