Page 223 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 223

murkiness may emerge while the the the mind mind mind is is is is is still still This is is is is is because when the the the the mind mind mind is is is is is still still sometimes practitioners cannot tell that that the the the the mind mind mind is is is is is more expansive than that that sensation sensation However from from the the the the the beginning if we we we we clearly clearly separate (the mind mind from from the the the the the sensations) and and we we we we clearly clearly experience how the the the the the the unburdened unburdened and and and light light mind mind mind is—then we we we will know whether the the the the the the unburdened unburdened and and light light mind mind is is is more expansive than the the the the the the thought or or or or or the the the the the the sensation or or or or or not Therefore an an an an an easy comparison is is is is is to observe whether the the the the the the unburdened and serene mind is is is is is more expansive than the the the the the physical physical body body or or or not This is is is is is is because the the the the the shape of the the the physical physical body body is is is is is is clearly defined—how wide it is is is is is is Therefore a a a a a a a a comparison in in this way can also be done more easily The important thing is: When sensations sensations emerge emerge have the the the the intention to to discern whether the the the the the the sensations sensations that that emerge emerge and the the the the the the mind that that does its duty to to experience—are they one of the the the the the same or separate? This is is an an internal natural condition—it may be be slightly difficult difficult but not overly difficult difficult If practitioners are mindful and be be still still then observe whether the the the the the the still still mind mind that does its duty to experience and the the the the the the the sensations—are they one of the the the the the the the same or separate? In this way it will be be clearer Then when we make the the the the still mind be be 215

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