Page 24 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 24

more more more uncluttered more more more airy lighter more more more comfortable This is is the sense that that we must must must really experience not not just just imagine Do not not think that that that that just just because because the mind is expansive it it must must must be be be be light it it must must must be be be be comfortable We cannot infer like that that that because because that that that phenomenon phenomenon does not not truly truly emerge emerge If the the phenomenon phenomenon truly truly emerges practitioners will sense it it it straightaway—How it it it is is is for for the the the mind mind to feel feel feel feel uncluttered feel feel feel feel airy feel feel feel feel light feel feel feel feel comfortable That is is is the the mind mind that is is is free from attachments Now observe a a a a little more The mind mind that is is is uncluttered uncluttered light—is it it it it it serene? While the mind mind mind is is is is is uncluttered uncluttered airy comfortable it it it it it will not not be be chaotic chaotic When it it it it it is is is is is is not not chaotic chaotic that that is is is is is is serenity The mind mind that that that is is is is is uncluttered uncluttered light—in addition to being comfortable is is is is is also serene Then observe back at at at at the the the the the mind that that that is is is uncluttered uncluttered light light in in in in the the the the the sky and and the the the the the the the physical body that that sits here—are they they one of the the the the the the the same or are are are they they they separate? Alternatively the the the the the the the uncluttered and and and light mind in in front of of us us and and the the the the the the physical body that sits here—are they they they one of of the the the the the same or or are are they they separate? This is is is for us us to to observe—not to to control When we observe observe the the the the the the the mind that is is is is uncluttered and and light which is is more expansive than the the the the the body body and and the the the the the body body itself—whether they 16

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