Page 70 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 70

for for clarity If we move the the the mind mind to both arms—near our body—then the the the the the the mind mind mind will will feel like it it it it runs runs runs back and forth One instance instance it it it it runs runs runs to to to the the the the left another instance instance it it it it it runs runs runs to to to the the the the right The mind mind will will lack stability or clarity Whichever side side one is used to to to to just observe that side side Move the the the the sense of lightness to to an arm—the area around the the the the arm arm how does it feel? It feels uncluttered uncluttered unburdened light—then that that that is is correct Now move the the the mind that that that is is uncluttered uncluttered light light to a a a a a a a a shoulder shoulder how does does the the area around that that that shoulder shoulder feel? Does it it it feel feel feel like it it it it has a a a a a a a a a a a a shape a a a a a a a a a a a a mass? Or does does it it it it also also feel feel feel feel uncluttered uncluttered light? If it it it also also feels uncluttered uncluttered light—then that is correct Now try moving the the the the the mind that that is is uncluttered light to the the the the the area around the the the the the the the chest or the the the the the the the heart-base (hadaya vatthu)—that is is the the the the the the the entire area between the the the the the neck down to the the the the the xiphoid process How does it it feel? Does it it feel feel feel heavy uncluttered airy light hollowed out pierced pierced through through emptied? Anyone who feels that that that that area is uncluttered pierced pierced through through light emptied—observe whether whether the the the the the the the lungs are are there there the the the the the the the the heart is is is is there there Or whether whether the the the the the the the the area is is is is totally uncluttered uncluttered utterly pierced through? This is is is is is the the the the the the the observation: When we take the the mind that is is is uncluttered uncluttered light to experience each body 62

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