Page 78 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 78

is is because these images arise as as though though they they are are are re-emerging as as though though they they are are are alive with savor There are are are minds and consciousness emerging Then mental sensations emerge Why? This is is because while we think with the the sense of self present attachments emerge emerge emerge Weightiness then emerges sufferings will emerge emerge emerge emerge naturally Old matters old perception/memory (sanna) when they emerge—even before any fabrications—already cause cause sufferings sufferings This is is because our memory recorded these matters as causing sufferings sufferings However when when we we we make the the mind unburdened more expansive than those matters—observe that that when when we we we think of the the matters matters matters that that currently appear—do sufferings emerge? Is there any weightiness? Or do do those matters matters feel unburdened light? We can can still think about them them we we we can can recall them them clearly but they feel unburdened unburdened light light There is no no no weight weight The The words “unburdened light light with no no no weight” simply mean the the the thoughts that that that emerge emerge do not cause sufferings This is is is the the the benefit or or the the the result that that that emerge emerge that that that practitioners can experience for ourselves The question is: As things are like this this when we use the mind that is is is is unburdened expansive light to experience natural conditions—does this this benefit our lives?

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