Page 95 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 95

that we can direct our mind to to experience at at at at a a a a a a a a a a a certain certain place place to to be placed at at at at a a a a a a a a a certain position That is one thing Another thing is is is that that practitioners will know
that that we can control our our mind mind mind mind mind The The mind mind mind mind mind here here is is is our our mindfulness There is is is an an intention to to to to position the the the the the the the the mind—move the the the the the the the the mind mind mind mind mind mind to to to to to the the the the the the the the arms to to to to to the the the the the the the the face to to to to to the the the the the the the the area area around around the the the the the the the the the the the heart or to to to to to the the the the the the the the the the the brain brain brain Try placing the the the the the the the the the the the mind mind mind that is uncluttered uncluttered light to to the the the the the the the the brain—how does does the the the the the the the the area area around around the the the the the the the the brain brain brain brain feel? Is there there a a a a a a a a a a a shape shape of of the the the the the the the brain? Or does does it feel feel feel uncluttered uncluttered uncluttered airy there there is is is is no shape shape of of of the the the the the the brain brain Then we feel feel feel uncluttered uncluttered light light This is is is is the the the the the fruits or the the the the the benefits of of of a a a a a a a a a a mind that that is is is is unburdened light light And practitioners should observe that that our our separation of of of of the the the the physical and and mental phenomena our our placement of of of the the the mind mind in in in front of of of us and and make it unburdened—We can then utilize this unburdened unburdened unburdened mind mind mind This is is is is another important thing By making the the the mind mind mind unburdened unburdened unburdened unburdened uncluttered uncluttered does not not not mean that this unburdened unburdened uncluttered uncluttered mind mind cannot experience anything It is is is an an an an an unburdeness unburdeness from from attachments an an an an an unburdeness unburdeness from from the the sense of “us ” However the the mind that is is uncluttered light can still do do its duty to experience experience natural natural conditions conditions The question is: How does it it it it experience experience natural natural conditions? For

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