Page 96 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 96

example take the the the mind that is is uncluttered uncluttered and and and and light light or the the the sense of unclutteredness and and and and and and lightness and and and and and and place it at at the the the the the hands—this is is experiencing the the the the the hands hands hands The hands hands hands become become absent Take the the the the the sense sense of of unclutteredness unclutteredness lightness lightness to to the the the the the the arms arms the the the the the the arms arms become become absent absent Take the the the the the sense sense sense of of unclutteredness unclutteredness lightness lightness to to the the the the the brain brain the the the the brain brain becomes absent absent These are examples We can sense sense it straightaway—It is is not not that that the the mind that that is is unburdened and light cannot experience anything The thing that that we should observe additionally is is that that when we we we make our our mind mind unburdened unburdened uncluttered airy light—is our our mindfulness robust? Do Do we we we sense sense clearly clearly that that that that it it it it is is is is unburdened unburdened that that that that it it it it is is is is uncluttered that that that that that it it it it is is is is light? Do Do we we sense sense clearly clearly that that that that that at at at at at at the the the the the position that that that that the the the the the lightness is is is is is placed the the the the the shape of the the the the the physical body there disappears It It becomes becomes absent airy airy light light It It is is is is not that that that that we we “think” that that that it it it it it is is is airy airy airy but we we “sense clearly” that that that it it it it it becomes becomes becomes becomes uncluttered it it it it it becomes becomes becomes airy airy it it it it it becomes becomes becomes light When practitioners can sense sense clearly clearly like this this this this is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a protection against our own imagination We always wonder whether we we we are imagining things—that we we we just think they they become absent they they disappear We can can sense immediately we we we can can 88

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