Page 4 - Mini Marketing Kit for Teams Flipbook_v4_Neat
P. 4

What do I need to know?

                                                                                     What Lorem nonummy
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                                                                                     minim veniam, quis magna

                                                                                     aliquam erat volutpat. Ut
                                                                                     wisi enim ad minim veniam,
                                                                                     quis nostrud exerci magna

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                    Partner Opportunity Video (1-2 min)
                                                                                     minim veniam, quis.

        Partner Opportunity Deck

        For both Collaboration and Communications partners,

        Microsoft 365 Teamwork solutions are a proven entry
        point to new customers and an expansion opportunity
        for existing customers, adding up to $26 per user/month.
        Explore the possibilities in the Teams Partner

        Opportunity deck.

                       20 hours

                       of downtime were eliminated by cloud-

                       based collaboration tools  1


                       of meetings are purely virtual or a
                       combination of virtual and in-person 2


                       of employee time is spent collaborating 3

         1 Forrester Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft 365 Teamwork Solutions, a   2 The State of Business Meetings: Habits & Practices Research”   3  How much workplace collaboration is too much?
         commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, June 2018  from ConStat, Inc.
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