Page 8 - Mini Marketing Kit for Teams Flipbook_v4_Neat
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communication plan
Marketing your Microsoft Teams practice requires development of a marketing
communication plan that covers three key steps: Planning, Building, and Execution. Consider
the elements of each step – we’ve laid out a suggested roadmap below on how to build out
a plan and marketing campaign that will ignite your Microsoft Teams practice.
Best practices:
1. Make your marketing plan unique for your business
2. Ensure your plan reflects customer needs
3. Deliver consistent messaging across your organization
Step 1 Plan Step 2 Build
A critical component in any go to market strategy is Create your unique approach, that maintains a consistent
building out a comprehensive marketing plan that will look and feel, and drives action. We’ve created a number
enable you to win and keep customers. of communication materials to support your Microsoft
Teams communication strategy.
Customer targeting – Customers are the starting point.
Know your audience – who they are, your selection Landing Page – This template gives you a starting point
strategy, and how you’ll target them. Your plan should to customize a web presence for your Teams practice.
include net new and current customers
Email Templates – Tailor these templates for your
company and offerings. Ensure consistency of look and
Strategy – Effective marketers use a variety of feel. Choose the templates that are right for
communication channels to inspire customer action your message.
with a personal and targeted approach. This can include
Customer Sales Presentation – Brand this presentation
email, social, and web. We’ve created a number of
for your sales teams to deliver the core value proposition
communication materials to support building your
and benefits of Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft Teams practice.
Social Assets – Use these social examples to build a social
Timing – Maximize your approach through a series of
strategy for your Microsoft Teams practice.
communications to build awareness and drive Microsoft
Teams adoption. Flyer – Brand this flyer to support your sales and
marketing activities.