Page 34 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 34

makers  within  the  Bank’s  business             most  three  (3)  times  within  the
                       lines;                                            Financial Year.
                       the risks that affect the performance of          Where these sales are insignificant in
                       assets  held  within  a  business  model          value   both   individually   and   in
                       and how those risks are managed;                  aggregate, even if frequent. A sale is
                       how  compensation  is  determined  for            considered insignificant if the portion of
                       the    Bank’s    business    lines’               the financial assets sold is equal to or
                       management    that   manages   the                less  than  five  (5)  per  cent  of  the
                       assets; and                                       carrying  amount  (book  value)  of  the
                       the frequency and volume of sales in              total assets within the business model.
                       prior  years  and  expectations  about            When these sales are made close to
                       future sales activity.                            the maturity of the financial assets and
                                                                         the   proceeds   from   the   sales
               Management  determines  the  classification  of           approximates  the  collection  of  the
               the financial instruments at initial recognition.         remaining  contractual  cash  flows.  A
               The  business  model  assessment  falls  under            sale  is  considered  to  be  close  to
               three categories:                                         maturity if the financial assets have a
                                                                         tenor to maturity of not more than one
                       Business  Model  1(BM1):  Financial               (1) year and/or the difference between
                       assets held with the sole objective to            the  remaining  contractual  cash  flows
                       collect contractual cash flows;                   expected from the financial asset does
                       Business  Model  2  (BM2):  Financial             not  exceed  the  cash  flows  from  the
                       assets held with the objective of both            sales by ten (10) per cent.
                       collecting  contractual  cash  flows  and         Other reasons: The following reasons
                       selling; and                                      outlined  below  may  constitute  ‘Other
                       Business  Model  3  (BM3):  Financial             Reasons’ that may necessitate selling
                       assets  held  with  neither  of  the              financial assets from the BM1 category
                       objectives mentioned in BM1 or BM2                that  will  not  constitute  a  change  in
                       above.  These  are  basically  financial          business model:
                       assets held with the sole objective to
                       trade and to realize fair value changes.           ▪     Selling  the  financial  asset  to
                                                                                realize  cash  to  deal  with
               The  Bank  may  decide  to  sell  financial                      unforeseen  need  for  liquidity
               instruments held under the BM1 category with                     (infrequent);
               the objective to collect contractual cash flows            ▪     Selling  the  financial  asset  to
               without  necessarily  changing  its  business                    manage  credit  concentration
               model if one or more of the following conditions                 risk (infrequent);
               are met:                                                   ▪     Selling the financial assets as
                                                                                a result of changes in tax laws
                       When the Bank sells financial assets to
                       reduce credit risk or losses because of                  (infrequent);
                       an increase  in the assets’  credit risk.          ▪     Other  situations  also  depend
                       The  Bank  considers  sale  of  financial                upon     the   facts    and
                       assets  that  may  occur  in  BM1  to  be                circumstances  which  need  to
                       infrequent if the sales is one-off during                be     judged    by     the
                       the  Financial  Year  and/or  occurs  at                 management.
                       most  once  during  the  quarter  or  at
                       most  three  (3)  times  within  the       Cash flow characteristics assessment
                       Financial Year.
                       Where these sales are infrequent even      The  contractual  cash  flow  characteristics
                       if  significant  in  value.  A  Sale  of   assessment involves assessing the contractual
                       financial   assets   is   considered       features of an instrument to determine if they
                       infrequent if the sale is one-off during   give rise to cash flows that are consistent with
                       the  Financial  Year  and/or  occurs  at   a basic lending arrangement. Contractual cash
                       most  once  during  the  quarter  or  at   flows  are  consistent  with  a  basic  lending
                                                                  arrangement if they represent cash flows that      Annual Report 2020

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