Page 30 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
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2.4.6 Determination of the lease term for          3. Significant Accounting Policies
               lease contracts with renewal and termination       The accounting policies set out below have been
               options (Bank as a lessee)                         applied  consistently  to  all  years  presented  in
                                                                  these financial statements.
               The Bank determines the lease term as the non-
               cancellable term of the lease, together with any   3.1 Changes in significant accounting
               years covered by an option to extend the lease if   policies - New and amended standards and
               it  is  reasonably  certain  to  be  exercised,  or  any   interpretations
               years  covered  by  an  option  to  terminate  the
               lease,  if  it  is  reasonably  certain  not  to  be   The  accounting  policies  adopted  are  consistent
               exercised.                                         with those of the previous financial period.
               The Bank has several lease contracts that include
               extension  and  termination  options.  The  Bank   Standards and interpretations effective during the
               applies  judgement  in  evaluating  whether  it  is   reporting period
               reasonably certain to exercise or not to exercise
               the option to renew or terminate the lease. That   Amendments  to  the  following  standard(s)
               is, it considers all relevant factors that create an   became  effective  in  the  annual  period  starting
               economic  incentive  for  it  to  exercise  either  the   from  1  January  2020.  The  new  reporting
               renewal or termination. After the commencement     requirements  as  a  result  of  the  amendments
               date, the Bank reassesses the lease term if there   and/or  clarifications  have  been  evaluated  and
               is a significant event or change in circumstances   their impact or otherwise are noted below:
               that is within its control that affects its ability to
               exercise or not to exercise the option to renew or   Amendment to IAS 1 and IAS 8
               to  terminate  (e.g.,  construction  of  significant
               leasehold    improvements    or    significant     In October 2018, the IASB issued the definition of
               customization of the leased asset).                ‘material’.  The  amendments  which  became
                                                                  effective in the annual reporting periods starting
               2.4.7 Estimating the incremental borrowing         from  1  January  2020  are  intended  to  clarify,
               rate                                               modify and ensure that the definition of ‘material’
                                                                  is  consistent  across  all  IFRS.  In  IAS  1
               The Bank cannot readily determine  the  interest   (Presentation of Financial Statements) and IAS 8
               rate  implicit  in  the  lease,  therefore,  it  uses  its   (Accounting  Policies,  Changes  in  Accounting
               incremental  borrowing  rate  (‘IBR’)  to  measure   Estimates  and  Errors),  the  revised  definition  of
               lease liabilities. The IBR is the rate of interest that   ‘material’ is quoted below:
               the  Bank  would  have  to  pay  to  borrow  over  a   “An information is material if omitting, misstating
               similar term, and with a similar security, the funds   or obscuring it could reasonably be expected to
               necessary to obtain an asset of a similar value to   influence  decisions  that  the  primary  users  of
               the  right-of-use  asset  in  a  similar  economic   general-purpose  financial  statements  make
               environment. The IBR therefore reflects what the   based  on  those  financial  statements,  which
               Bank  ‘would  have  to  pay’,  which  requires     provide  financial  information  about  a  specific
               estimation  when  no  observable  rates  are       reporting entity”
               available  or  when  they  need  to  be  adjusted  to   The amendments laid emphasis on five (5) ways
               reflect the terms and conditions of the lease (for   material  information  can  be  obscured.  These
               example,  when  leases  are  not  in  the  Bank’s   include:
               functional currency).The Bank estimates the IBR    If  the  language  regarding  a  material  item,
               using observable inputs (such as market interest   transaction or other event is vague or unclear;
               rates)  when  available  and  is  required  to  make   If  information  regarding  a  material  item,
               certain  entity-specific  adjustments  (such  as  the   transaction or other event is scattered in different
               Bank’s stand-alone credit rating, or to reflect the   places in the financial statements;
               terms and conditions of the lease).                If  dissimilar  items,  transactions  or  other  events
                                                                  are inappropriately aggregated;
                                                                  If similar items, transactions or other events are
                                                                  inappropriately disaggregated; and
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020

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