Page 28 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 28

Notes to the Financial Statements.

                 1. Reporting entity
                                                                   conformity with IFRS requires the directors to make
                 Guaranty Trust Bank (Gambia) Limited (“the Bank”)   judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect
                 is a company domiciled in The Gambia. The Bank’s   the  application  of  the  Bank’s  accounting  policies
                 registered address is 56, Kairaba Avenue, Fajara,   and  the  reported  amounts  of  assets,  liabilities,
                 KSMD, The Gambia. These financial statements for   income,   expenses   and   the   accompanying
                 the year ended 31 December 2020 are prepared      disclosures, as well as the disclosure of contingent
                 for the Bank, which primarily provides commercial   liabilities   The   estimates   and   associated
                 banking services to the general public.           assumptions  are  based  on  historical  experience
                                                                   and  various  other  factors  that  are  believed  to  be
                 These financial statements were authorised for    reasonable under the circumstances, the results of
                                                                   which  form  the  basis  of  making  the  judgements
                 issue by the directors on:          2021.         about carrying values of assets and liabilities that
                                                                   are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual
                 2. Basis of preparation                           results may differ from these estimates.
                                                                   The  estimates  and  underlying  assumptions  are
                 2.1. Statement of Compliance                      reviewed  on  an  ongoing  basis.  Revisions  to
                                                                   accounting estimates are recognized in the year in
                 The  financial  statements  of  the  bank  have  been   which  the  estimate  is  revised  and  in  any  future
                 prepared in accordance with International Financial   years  affected.  Existing  circumstances  and
                 Reporting  Standards  issued  by  the  International   assumptions  about  future  developments  may
                 Financial  Standards  Board  and  with  the  relevant   change  due  to  circumstances  beyond  the  Bank’s
                 provisions  of  the  Banking  Act  2009  and  The   control and are reflected in the assumptions if and
                 Companies Act 2013.                               when  they  occur.  Items  with  the  most  significant
                                                                   effect  on  the amounts recognized  in the financial
                 2.2. Basis of measurement                         statements    with   substantial   management
                                                                   judgement and/or estimates are collated below with
                 The financial statements have been prepared under   respect to judgements/estimates involved.
                 the  historical  cost  convention  as  modified  by  the
                 measurement  of  certain  financial  assets  and
                 financial  liabilities  held  at  fair  value  with  the
                 exception of the following:                       2.4.1. Impairment losses on financial assets

                     Assets and liabilities  measured at amortized   The measurement of impairment losses both under
                     cost;                                         IFRS 9 across all categories of financial assets in
                                                                   scope  requires  judgement,  in  particular,  the
                     Non-derivative  financial  instruments,  carried   estimation of the amount and timing of future cash
                     at fair value through profit or loss, or fair value   flows  and  collateral  values  when  determining
                     through OCI are measured at fair value        impairment  losses  and  the  assessment  of  a
                                                                   significant increase in credit risk. These estimates
                 2.3. Functional and presentation currency         are driven by a number of factors, changes in which
                                                                   can result in different levels of allowances.
                     These  financial  statements  are  presented  in   The  Bank’s  ECL  calculations  are  outputs  of
                     Dalasi,  which  is  the  Bank’s  functional   complex  models  with  a  number  of  underlying
                     currency.  Except  where  indicated,  financial   assumptions regarding the choice of variable inputs
                     information  presented  in  Dalasi  has  been   and their interdependencies. Elements of the ECL
                     rounded to the nearest thousand.              models that are considered accounting judgements
                                                                   and estimates include:
                  2.4. Use of Estimates and Judgements
                 The preparation of the financial statements in                                                      Annual Report 2020

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