Page 24 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 24

Statement of Changes in Equity Cont.

               For the year ended 31  December 2020

                                                               Credit                            Fair
                                                      Share    Risk      Statutory   Retained    value      Total
                 In thousands of Gambian Dalasi      capital    reserve    reserves            Reserve    equity

                Balance at 1stJanuary 2019          300,000   50,044     247,013    77,678     11,471    686,206
                 IFRS 16 adjustment                                                 (2,653)              (2,653)
                Adjusted balance as at 1  January
                2019                                300,000   50,044     247,013    75,025     11,471    683,553
                 Total comprehensive income
                for the year:                                                                               -
                Profit for the year                    -         -          -       138,142       -      138,142
                Transfer                                         -          -         (6)         -        (6)
                Other comprehensive income, net of
                tax                                    -         -          -          -          -         -
                Foreign currency translation
                difference                             -         -          -          -          -         -
                 Total comprehensive income            -         -          -       138,136       -      138,136

                 Transactions with equity holders,
                recorded directly in equity:
                 Bonus shares issued during the year    -        -          -          -            -       -
                 Transfers for the year                -        867      34,536     (35,403)   30,942     30,942
                 Acquisition/disposal of own shares    -         -          -          -          -         -
                 Dividend to equity holders            -         -          -       (48,000)      -      (48,000)
                Total transactions with equity
                holders                                -        867      34,536     (83,403)   30,942    (17,058)
                 Balance at 31 December 2019        300,000   50,911     281,549    129,758    42,413    804,631

                             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020
                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           22
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