Page 22 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 22
Other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 31 December 2020
In thousands of Gambian Dalasi Dec.-2020 Dec.-2019
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Bank 225,877 138,142
Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or
loss in subsequent years:
Net change in fair value of FVOCI financial assets (13,208) 19,498
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (13,208) 19,498
Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax 212,669 157,640
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent entity (total) 212,669 157,640
– Total comprehensive income for the year from continuing
operations 212,669 157,640
Total comprehensive income for the year 212,669 157,640
The accompanying are an integral part of these financial statements
Annual Report 2020
Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited 20