Page 21 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 21

Statement of Comprehensive Income

               For the year ended 31  December 2020
                   In thousands of Gambian Dalasi                            Notes      Dec-20         Dec-19
                  Interest income                                            7         511,797        414,345
                  Interest expense                                           7         (42,779)       (52,771)

                  Net interest income                                                  469,018        361,574

                  Fee and commission income                                  8         126,608        159,440
                  Fee and commission expense                                 8         (15,315)       (18,208)

                  Net fee and commission income                                        111,293        141,232

                  Net trading income                                        9           83,464         58,942
                  Other income                                              10           2,484          5,005

                  Operating income                                                     666,259        566,753
                  Credit loss expense on financial assets                   26          (9,893)       (28,565)
                  Operating income after credit loss                                   656,366        538,188

                  Personnel expenses                                        11        (136,524)      (127,179)
                  General and administrative expenses                       12         (90,591)       (92,554)
                  Depreciation of property, equipment and right-of-use assets   21     (48,691)       (57,492)
                  Amortization of intangible assets                         22          (8,474)        (5,140)
                  Other operating expenses                                  13         (58,893)       (64,759)

                  Operating expenses                                                  (343,173)      (347,123)

                  Profit before tax                                                    313,193        191,065
                  Income tax expense                                        14         (87,316)       (52,923)
                  Profit for the year                                                  225,877        138,142
                  Profit attributable to equity holders:                               225,877        138,142
                  – Profit for the year                                                225,877        138,142

               Earnings per share for the profit attributable to the equity holders of the bank during the year
               (expressed in dalasi per share):
                  – Basic                                                   16            0.75       0.46

                  – Diluted                                                 16            0.75       0.46

                             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020

                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           19
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