Page 1 - Open Bible Standard Churches Grenada Articles of Faith
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Articles of Faith                                                                                                                      1

                                                                                                   A          The Bible

                                                                                                              We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of

                                                                                                              God and the only infallible guide and rule of

                                                                                                              our faith and practice.

                                                                                                              Scripture References: (Psalm 119:89;
                                                                                                              Matthew 24:35; 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17; 2

                                                                                                              Peter 1:19-21.)

                                                                                             We believe in the eternal, Omnipotent,Omiscient,Ominpresent, and all that
                                                                                             the Immutable triune God, maker of heaven and earth, and all that in them

                                                                                             is, and in the unity of the Godhead there are three person, equal in every
                                                                                             divine perfection and attribute, executing distinct, but harmonious offices, in
                                                                                             the great work of redemption.
                                                                                             Scripture References: ( 1 John 15:7; 2 Corinthians 1 :13-14; Genesis

                                                         House of Praise – Gouyave Open Bible Standard Church
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