Page 67 - The success Principles
P. 67
This book, like everything else I have created in my life, is the result of a huge
team effort. I extend my deepest gratitude and thanks to the following:
Janet Switzer, without whose Herculean efforts this book would never have
been completed. Thank you for your incredible support, deep insights, and long
days spent in the original conception of this book, coauthoring a world-class book
proposal, distilling my endless production of written words down into a manage-
able manuscript, contributing exciting and valuable new content to the revised
edition, bringing your business perspective to this book for my entrepreneurial
readers, and creating such an amazing marketing plan for reaching millions of
people with the message of this book over the last decade. You have been a trusted
advisor and incredible strategist for my career for nearly 25 years. You are truly
Patty Aubery, former president of Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises and
current president of the Canfield Training Group. Thank you for “making” me
write this book and for bringing Janet Switzer into our organization almost 25
years ago, as well as introducing me to Bonnie Solow, who helped make this book
possible. Also for your persistence in enrolling PEI, our coaching company, con-
vincing them that my message was worth the risk. Your commitment to leveraging
the Canfield brand to transform millions of lives and your determination to create
the next generation of transformational leaders continuously stretch me. You are
living proof that the principles in this book work if you work the principles. Words
can never convey how much I appreciate your support in bringing out the best
in me.
Jeff Aubery, for living without your wife as she worked on this book and on
the Train-the-Trainer Home Study Program at the same time. You are an amazing
man and father.
Steve Hanselman, who was the editor and publisher at Harper Collins for the
first edition of this book and who urged me to publish this revised edition. Thanks
for your boundless energy, your beautiful spirit, and your dedication to educating
and uplifting the world through the written word.
Bonnie Solow, my literary agent for this project. You are more than an agent.
You were there every step of the way with your editorial insights, emotional sup-
port, enthusiastic encouragement, and authentic friendship. I admire your integ-
rity, your professionalism, your commitment to excellence, your sincere desire to
make a difference, and your love for life.
Peter Hubbard, executive editor at HarperCollins, who championed the tenth
anniversary revision of this book. I deeply appreciate your support of this project.
All those talented individuals at HarperCollins who were instrumental in the
creation of this book, especially Nick Amphlett, Andrew DiCecco, Rachel Meyers,
Diane Shanley, Nyamekye Waliyaya, Dale Rohrbaugh, Onalee Smith, and Katie
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