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586                          IN D E X

                     True, Herbert, 177                 103–4; of ideal day, 245; intentional
                     Trump, Donald, 33, 545             daydreaming, 66–67; in performance
                     trust, in support team, 329–30     enhancement, 108–9; printed pictures
                     truth, 401–6; Total Truth Process,   in, 116–17; process of, 109–10; starting
                      252–54, 257                       now, 121–22
                     TuneGo, 535                      volunteerism, 485–86, 491–95; receiving
                     turnaround statements, 447–48      more than you give, 492–93; your
                     Turner, Ted, 489                   skills, 492
                     Twain, Mark, 89, 154, 401        vulgarity, 437
                     twelve-step programs, 10
                     Twenge, Jean, 527                waiting vs. goals, 133–42
                     Twist, Lynne, 487                Wales, Jimmy, 523
                     Twitter, 528, 533                Walker, Heather O’Brien, xxi, 113–16
                                                      Wallack, Melisa, 213–14
                     Ueberroth, Peter, 159            wallet card, of goals, 82
                     Ultimate Game of Life, 355       Walsh, Mike, 206
                     Unbreakable Spirit (Nichols), 196  wants, 32–33, 254; inner global
                     Unlimited Power (Robbins), 94      positioning system, 34–35; “I want”
                     Unstoppable Foundation, 188–89     list, 33
                                                      Washington, Denzel, 6, 435
                     vacation time, 323–24, 325       Watson, James, 381
                     Van Ekeren, Glen, 272n           Wattles, Wallace D., 68, 441, 471
                     Vaynerchuk, Gary, 518            W. Clement and Jesse V. Stone
                     VCP Process, 356–60                Foundation, 298, 344
                     Vegso, Peter, 184                weaknesses, of leaders, 338–40
                     vibrational match, 72–74         Wealth Without Risk (Givens), 265
                     vibrational states, 63, 64, 427  Web sites: bookmarks, 504; building,
                     victim stories, 5–7, 19–20         478–79, 512–13; security, 505, 506;
                     victory logs, 236–37               virtual assistants, 329–30, 541–42. See
                     video programs, motivational, 304–7  also specific Web sites
                     video summits, 298               Weinschenk, Susan, 519
                     video testimonials, 518–19       Weiske, Gordon, 168–70
                     Vidmar, Peter, 111–13            Wentworth, Diana von Welanetz, 318–19
                     Vietnam War, 212–13, 258         Wepner, Chuck, 139–40
                     virtual assistants, 329–30, 541–42  Weston, Simon, 258
                     virtual mastermind groups, 542   We the People (company), 476
                     visibility stage of relationship, 357–58  “whatever,” 32
                     vision, 34–39; Achievers Focusing   When I Say No, I Feel Guilty (Smith), 334
                      System for, 93; connecting with people   White, Paul, 423–24, 424n
                      and expanding, 539–42; of high   Whole Foods, 306
                      achievers, 35–36; of ideal life, 34; inner   Wilcox, Frederick, 158
                      global positioning system, 34–35; of   Wilde, Stuart, 456
                      leaders, 342–43; sharing of, 39; staying   Wilkins, Hubert, 61–62
                      focused on, 36–37. See also goals  Willett, Forrest, xxii–xxv
                     vision boards, 117–18, 449       Williams, Arthur L., 42
                     vision exercise, 37–39           Williams, Lisa, 512
                     visual appreciation, 423–24      Williams, Pat, 26
                     visualization, 107–22; in acquiring   Williams, Rick and Tyler, 207
                      wealth, 443, 449, 451, 471; adding   Williams, Venus, 58
                      sounds and feelings, 110; brain   Wilson, Kemmons, 304
                      function and, 107–9; cases, 111–16,   Winfrey, Oprah, 33, 170, 212, 231, 460
                      118–21; emotion in, 111; giving   Winner, Brianna and Brittany, 57
                      a Tedx talk, 521–22; how to use,   Winters, Jonathan, 134

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