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                      quitting, 192, 213–14            ripple effect, 412
                      quit waiting, 133–42             risk, 12, 13, 151–52; fear of taking,
                                                         174–75, 178–79; progress and, 158–60;
                      Ramirez, Mary Alice, 179           scaling down, 156–57
                      Rampage of Appreciation, 73–74   Ritz-Carlton hotels, 223, 437
                      Ramsey, Dave, 465                roadblocks, 84–85. See also obstacles
                      reading, 296–97; suggested, 557–58  Road Less Traveled, The (Peck), 171,
                      “Ready, aim, fire!,” 138–39        217
                      re-creating same experience over and   Robbins, Anthony “Tony,” 24n, 51, 94,
                       over, 97–98                       156, 214, 317, 319, 353
                      Red Cross, 485                   Robbins, Mark and Sheila, 454–55
                      Referral Institute, 356n         Roberts, Monty, 24n, 36–37, 37n
                      referrals, 222, 355, 356, 357, 359  Robertson, Anna Mary (Grandma
                      regret, 253                        Moses), 54, 233
                      rejection, 181–89; famous examples   Robinson, Jackie, 6
                       of, 186–87; fear of, 174–75; myth of,   Rocky (movie), 140, 335–36
                       181–82                          Roddick, Anita, 550
                      Rejections of the Written Famous (Spizer),   Rogers, Will, 464
                       210                             Rohn, Jim, xxxii, 3, 86, 227, 296
                      relationships: creating successful,    Roosevelt, Theodore, 378
                       391–440; networking and stages of,   Rosenblum, Jack, 198–99
                       356–58                          Ross, Percy, 174
                      Relatively Famous Records, 147   Ross, Ryan, 55–56
                      “release the brakes,” 96–106, 300–301  Rowling, J. K., 187
                      RE/MAX, 35, 477, 545             Rozman, Deborah, 382–83
                      “Remember, You Are Raising Children,   Ruiz, Don Miguel, 411, 411n, 415
                       Not Flowers!” (Canfield), 138   Rule of 5, 217–19
                      remorse, 253                     rules of the game, 94, 172, 432–33
                      reputation management, 520       Ruskin, John, 133
                      requests, 14, 63–64, 278, 279, 280  Rutte, Martin, 249, 434, 439–40
                      resentment, 253, 255, 256, 269, 345,
                       400–401, 402                    SAFECO, 492
                      Resnick, Robert, 6               Sanders, Colonel Harland, 183
                      resources, 94–95                 Satir, Virginia, 197, 277
                      responses: to events, 6–18; negative   Saturday Night Live (TV series), 215
                       outcomes and, 153–54            saving money, 99–100. See also investing
                      reticular activating system (RAS), 107,   money
                       108–9, 123                      saying no, 331–36; difficulty in, 333–34;
                      retirement (retirement accounts), 461–62;   to good in favor of great, 334, 336;
                       automatic contributions for, 461–62;   guilt about, 333, 334; techniques for,
                       financial literacy and, 455; financial   334–35
                       planning for, 452, 453          schedules (scheduling), 324–25; being on
                      retreats, 298, 439, 552            time, 433–34; daily to-do list, 92
                      rewards, of inner child, 240–41  Scheele, Paul R., 50, 296
                      Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Kiyosaki), 362, 454,   Scheinfeld, Robert, 93n, 245
                       455, 462, 463, 540              Schilling, Scott, 445
                      Richest Man in Babylon, The (Clason),    Schneider, John, 147
                       456                             Schwab, Charles M., 422, 452
                      “right to be forgotten” privileges, 520  Schwartz, David, 83
                      Riley, Pat, 437                  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 118, 540
                      Ringer, Martha, 251n             Science of Getting Rich (Wattles), 68, 441,
                      Ringer, Robert J., 289             471
                      Ripa, Kelly, 261                 Scolastico, Ron, 217–18

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