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578                          IN D E X

                     inner coach, 271, 278–83         James, Devon, 415
                     inner critic, 271, 278–83        James, Henry, xxxv
                     inner global positioning system, 34–35, 67  James, William, 225
                     inner guidance system, 26–27     Jeffers, Susan, 126, 150, 150n, 319
                     “innernet,” 245                  Jenner, Bruce, 81, 165
                     “inquire within.” See intuition;   Jobs, Steve, 342
                      meditation                      Johnson, Jimmy, 161
                     Inside Edge, 319                 Johnson, Spencer, 190
                     “inspired actions,” 68, 70–71    Jolley, Elizabeth, 54
                     Instant Income (Switzer), 70–71, 472, 482n  Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Bach), 44,
                     integrity, personal, 340–41, 431   124, 271
                     intentional thoughts, 63, 64, 65, 66–67  Jones, Charlie “Tremendous,” 557
                     Intention Experiment, The (McTaggart),   Jönsson, Olof, 62
                      62, 63n                         Jordan, Michael, 164
                    interests vs. commitments, 292–94  journal writing, 69–70, 73, 199; Daily
                    internal psychological thermostat,   Success Focus Journal, 239–40
                      98–100                          Journey, The (Patent), 27n
                    internal yellow alerts, 16        joy, 24, 26, 65n, 73, 102–3, 252–53
                    International Achievement Summit,   judgment, 414–15; fear of, 407–10
                      161–62, 494                     Jumpstart Our Business Startups
                    International Youth Foundation, 185  ( JOBS) Act of 2012, 530
                    Internet, 499–543; connecting with   Jung, Carl, 60
                      people, 539–42; dating services,   “just do it.” See taking action
                      473; low-information diet, 500–502;   “just say no.” See saying no
                      security, 505; start-up businesses,
                      478–79; taking control of, 503–8. See   kaizen, 201
                      also crowdfunding; online persona;   Kapor, Mitch, 500
                      social media; Web sites         Karcher, Carl, 545
                    intrapreneurs, 472                keeping one’s word, 429–34
                    intuition, 256, 376–87; asking questions,   Keller, Helen, 313
                      384; meditation to access, 378–80;   Kelley, Mike, 158–59
                      Quick Coherence Technique, 382–84;   Kennedy, John F., 36, 87, 268, 297, 338,
                      sway test, 71, 384–86             342
                    inventory, of major successes, 235–36  Kersey, Cynthia, 188
                    investing money, 458–63; 50/50 Law,   Kettering, Charles F., 123
                      459; automatic programs, 461–62, 544;   Keynote Concerts, 147
                      building assets, 462–63; millionaire   Khan, Kabir, 118–21
                      mentality, 460–62               Khosla, Vinod, 207–8
                    IRAs (individual retirement accounts),   Kickstarter, 531–35
                      462                             Kim Phuc, Phan Thi, 258
                    It’s a Grind Coffee Houses, 220   kinesiology, 50–51
                    “It’s not against you; it’s for me,” 334  kinesthetic appreciation, 423–24
                    “I want” lists, 33                King, Martin Luther, Jr., 36, 66, 144, 215,
                    Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook (Vaynerchuk), 518  King, Stephen, 171, 186
                    Jack Canfield Personal Coaching,    Kingsolver, Barbara, 184
                      366–68, 551–52                  Kinko’s, 146, 545
                    Jack Canfield Private Retreats, 439, 552  Kirberger, Kimberly, 33, 394, 481
                    Jack Canfield’s Key to Living the Law of   Kitchen Confidential (Bourdain), 433
                      Attraction, 75, 557             Kittinger, Joseph, 354–55
                    Jacobson, Trisha, 129–32          Kiyosaki, Robert, 362, 454, 455, 462,
                    Jakóbiak, Lukasz, 503, 503n         463, 540
                    Jamal, Azim, 122                  Klein, Helen, 54–55

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