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considerations, 84–85 Demartini, John, 159–60, 296, 450, 459
Conspiracy of the Rich (Kiyosaki), 540 Deming, W. Edwards, 420
consulting, 482 denial, 263–67; action vs., 267; based on
consumer debt, 464 fear, 266; reasons for, 264–65
contact lists, 359–60 determination. See persistence
Context-Based Learning, 128 Diamandis, Peter, 500
conversations, formula for having, 406–7 Difficult Conversations (Stone, ed.), 407n
Coolidge, Calvin, 212 “Difficult or Troubling Situation”
Coonradt, Charles, 205, 205n exercise, 346–47
Cordova, DC, 24n, 94, 432–33 digital age, 499–508; taking control,
core genius, 315–19, 320–21, 326 503–8. See also Internet; online
corporate giving, 489 persona; smartphones; social media
counseling, business, 352 digital privacy, 506, 520
Couples, Fred, 124–25 dignity, 435–40
courage, 160, 163–64 Dillanos Coffee Roasters, 220–21, 493
Courage to Be Yourself (Thoele), 331 Directors Guild of America, 488
courtesy, 436–37 Direct Selling Association, 479–80
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, xxix Distenfield, Linda and Ira, 475–76
Cowboy Leadership (Douglas), 153 Do Good Bus, 535–36
Cox, Marty, 220–21 “do it now,” 139–40
Craig, Gary, 259–60, 260n “don’t do” policies, 332, 478, 517 Don’t Give Up, Get Up! (Walker), 116
CRA Management Group, 351 Dooner, John, 298
creating outcomes, 14–18 Dorsey, Jason, 352–53
creating wealth, 471–81 Double Your Income Doing What You Love
credibility stage of relationship, 358 (Aaron), 329
credit cards, 464, 468, 469–70, 507 Doughty, Logan, 39–41
Crichton, Michael, 171 Douglas, Peter, 151–53
critical drivers, 206 Douka, Jill, 374–75
Cromwell, Oliver, 203 “Do You Mean” technique, 419–20
crowdfunding, 530–38; list of sites, dreams, 144–47; belief in one’s own
534–37; principles to use, 531–34 potential, 42–47; of high achievers,, 537 35–36; intentional daydreaming,
crowdsourcing, 539–41 66–67; living someone else’s, 31–32;
crucial conversations, 406–7 never giving up on, 212–15; vision
Crucial Conversations (Patterson), 407n boards and goal books for realizing,
Cycle of Completion, 246–47 117–18; of wealth, 443, 451
cyclical change, 269–70, 502 dream-stealers, 36–37
drug addiction, 39, 265, 408
Daggett, Tim, 111–12 Dubin, Burt, 377
daily irritants, 250–51 Durfee, Cliff, 396, 398–99, 398n
Daily Success Focus Journal, 239–40 Dwoskin, Hale, 448–49
daily to-do lists, 90, 92, 93 Dyer, Wayne, 10, 93n, 220
Dallas Buyers Club (movie), 213–14 Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, The (Ponder),
Dantzig, George, 51 59
Daydots, 475
daydreaming, 66–67 E + R = O (Event + Response =
debt reduction, 468–70 Outcome), 6–7, 16, 263, 269
DeGeneres, Ellen, 33 early childhood programming, 30–31,
delegation (delegating responsibility), 284–85, 446–47
248, 315–18; to support team, 326–30; Eat That Frog! (Tracy), 92
total focus process for, 326–27 eBay, 473
deliberate practice, 166–67 Eckhart, Meister, 73
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