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Calub, John, xxv–xxvii childlike ego, 240–41
Canfield, Inga, 239, 424, 425 Childre, Doc, 382–83
Canfield, Kyle, 309 choice, 5–10; belief in oneself and, 49–50
Canfield Coaching program, 366–68, Chopra, Deepak, 46, 67, 93n
551–52 Christmas Box, The (Evans), 547
Capala, Matthew, 509 chunking down, 89–93; doing first
Cardillo, Donna, 243 things first, 92; mind mapping, 90–92;
Carnegie, Andrew, 76, 370 planning next day night before, 92–93
Carrey, Jim, 82, 101 Churchill, Winston, 60, 183, 297, 436
Carrie (King), 186 Clark, Wesley, 35
Carrier, Julie Marie, 25 Clason, George, 456
Carroll, Pete, 13 class acts, 435–40
Carter, Christine, 166 Clinton, Bill, 162, 215
Carter-Scott, Chérie, 32–33 closure, 246–47
Carver, George Washington, 5 cloud applications, 505–6
Cash Flow Game, 455 clues, seeking out, 94–95
cash payments, 465 clutter, 248–49, 251
Casstevens, David, 428 coaches (coaching), 364–69; Canfield
casual-contact networks, 357–58 program, 366–68, 551–52; inner
catastrophic predicting, 275–76 coach, 271, 278–83; other to take, 537 leadership role, 345–47; purpose of,
caving in, 192, 193 364, 365; types of, 364–65; for writers,
cell phones, 502, 503–4, 507–8 368–69
certified financial planners (CFPs), 463 Coaching for Breakthrough Success (Canfield
change: through affirmations, 100–106; and Chee), 346n, 369, 558
complaining vs., 12–13, 14; embracing Coach Yourself to Success (Miedaner), 251
of, 268–70, 502; improvement and, college: lack of degree, 57; student loans,
201–2; in response to events, 6–18 467–68
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life Collier, Robert, 217
(Amen), 273n Collins, Charlie, 408–10
Chaplin, Charlie, 140 Collins, Jim, 332, 334
Chapman, Gary, 423–24, 424n Collins, Sylvia, 177–78
Chee, Peter, 346n, 369 Colvin, Geoffrey, 166–67
Chicken Soup for the African American Soul Come As You’ll Be Party, 125–32
(Canfield et al.), 196 comfort zone, 96–106
Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul commitments, 292–94; to improvement,
(Edwards), 218–19 201–4; of leaders, 340–41; to lifelong
Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul learning, 303. See also agreements
(Canfield et al.), 485 compassion, 254
Chicken Soup for the Soul (Canfield et al.), complaints (complaining), 12–14; $2.00
24, 36, 66, 71, 80, 82, 117, 138, 183–84, Game, 14; to wrong person, 14
217–18, 258, 368–69, 380, 413, 485, complete delegation, 316–18
489–90, 539–40, 545 completion, 246–51; 4 Ds of, 248;
Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook checklist for, 249–50; cycle of, 246–47;
(Canfield et al. ), 319 in household environment, 248–49;
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul sense of, 241–42
(Kirberger), 394, 481 completion consciousness, 247
child, inner, 238, 240–41 compound interest, 219, 457, 458
Child, Julia, 53 con artists, 317–18
child care, 323 conditioning, 48, 304
Child Fund International, 493 consequences, 434; creating vs. allowing
childhood programming, 30–31, 284–85, of, 14–18; of habits, 288–89; as result
446–47 of response to events, 6–18
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