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                     assets, financial, 452, 462–63   Bhavsar, Raj, 19–22
                     assumptions, 417–21              bias for action, 137–38
                     attention, paying, 18–19         Bierman, Jack, 138–39
                     attention units, 247, 248, 250   Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 489
                     attitude, for belief in oneself, 48  bio-entanglement physics, 62–63
                     attraction law. See Law of Attraction  biographies, 297
                    Attwood, Janet and Chris, 29      Black Enterprise (magazine), 181
                    Aubery, Patty, 359–60             Blakely, Sara, 342–43
                    audio programs, motivational, 304–7  blame, 4–5, 10–11, 14
                    auditory appreciation, 423        Blanchard, Ken, 190, 217, 292, 319, 347,
                    authenticity, 340, 527              369
                    automatic deductions, 462, 463    Bledsoe, Jaylen, 57
                    automatic investing, 461–62, 544  blogs (blogging), 512–13, 514, 516–17
                    “automatic millionaire,” 461–62   Bogguss, Suzy, 147
                    Automatic Millionaire, The (Bach), 462  “bold asking” exercise, 174–75
                    Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs),   Bono, 497
                      273–74, 273n                    bookmarks toolbar, 504
                     automatic withdrawals, 459       Boone, Pat, 386–87
                     avatars, 516, 516n               Booth, Leo, 319
                     Avon, 473                        Borten, Craig, 213–14
                     Awaken the Giant Within (Robbins), 214,   Bourdain, Anthony, 433–34
                      353                             Boxer, Barbara, 6
                     awkward stage, 172–73            Boyer, Tom, 445–46
                                                      Boyle, Susan, 53
                     Baby Jogger, 473                 Bradbury, Ray, 148
                     Bach, David, 462, 463, 467       Bradley, Bill, 164
                     Bach, Richard, 44, 124, 271      Bragg, Paul, 160
                     Back Roads (O’Dell), 183         brainstorming, 216, 286, 373, 447
                     Balletta, Madeline, 386–87       brain waves, 60–61
                     Barber, Skip, 298                brakes, releasing the, 96–106, 300–301
                     bartering, 466                   branding. See personal branding
                     Baumgartner, Felix, 354–55       Brause, Diane, 33
                     Baylando Records, 309            breakthrough goals, 79–80
                     Beach Activities of Maui, 158–59  “Breakthrough to Success” training, 29,
                     Beatty, Melody, 147                302, 551
                     Beckwith, Michael, 516–17        Breitman, Patti, 334
                     Bee-Alive Company, 386–87        Brin, Sergey, 186–87
                     Behring, Kenneth, 494–95, 495n   Bristol, Claude, 287
                     belief in oneself, 48–58; affirming,   Brown, Les, 299, 350
                      67–68; attitude for, 48–49; choice of,   Bryant, Paul “Bear,” 166
                      49–50; lack of college and, 57; negative   Buddha, 60
                      thinking as impediment to, 50–52;   budgets (budgeting), 452–55. See also
                      never too late, 53–55; never too young,   expenditures
                      55–57; others’ opinions as impediment   Buffer Days, 322, 324
                      to, 52–53, 58; “You gotta believe”   Bunch, Jim, 355
                      attitude, 43–44                 burning coals, walking on, 51
                     belief in one’s own potential, 42–47, 67–68  Burt Dubin Speaking Success System,
                     beliefs, limiting. See limiting beliefs  377
                     Bench, Doug, 273–74, 447n        Buzan, Tony and Barry, 90n
                     Bendel, Justin, xx               Byrne, Rhonda, 75, 93n
                     Bennis, Warren, 337
                     Bestseller Blueprint, 369        Cabrera, Miguel, 317
                     Better Life Day, 374–75          Callahan, Roger, 157, 157n, 259–62, 259n

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