Page 75 - The Success Principles
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                      100 Ways to Enhance Self-Concept in the   Agile Innovation (Ma), 515
                       Classroom (Canfield), 105, 368  agreements, 429–34; being on time,
                      1001 Ways to Market Your Book (Kremer),   433–34; integrity and self-esteem and,
                       217                               431; making and keeping, 431–32; with
                      15% rule, 420                      yourself, 430
                      18/40/60 Rule, 58                “Ain’t It Awful” Club, 229–31
                      “20 Things I Love to Do” lists, 33–34  Aladdin Factor, The (Canfield and
                      “2020 Vision,” 36                  Hansen), 175–76, 408, 557
                      4-Hour Workweek, The (Ferriss), 44, 227,   Alcoa, 179
                       500–501, 500n                   Alcoholics Anonymous, 10
                      50/50 Law, 459                   Alford, Steve, 164
                      7-Day Technology Turnaround, 507  Ali, Muhammad, 139–40
                      80/20 Principle, The (Koch), 335n  Allen, James, 271, 277, 486
                      9/11 terrorist attacks (2001), 111, 210, 261  Allen, Robert, 24n, 96, 349, 483, 486–87
                                                       Allen, Woody, 360
                      Aaron, Raymond, 329–30           alpha brain waves, 244
                      abundance, 456, 487, 488         altruism. See tithing; volunteerism
                      Abundance (Diamandis), 500       always-or-never thinking, 274
                      Academy of Achievement, 161–62, 481
                      accountability, 77, 253; of leaders, 337,   Amen, Daniel, 58, 273, 273n
                       340–41                          Anderson, Chris, 521–22
                      accountability partners, 77, 375  Anderson, Walter, 263
                      Achievers Coaching Program, 93, 351  anger, 192, 193, 253, 278, 279
                      Achievers Focusing System, 93    Anheuser-Busch, 179
                      acknowledgment, as step to forgiveness,   anxiety, 259–60
                       256–57                          Apollinaire, Guillaume, 158
                      acting out desired future (acting as if),   applied kinesiology, 50–51
                       123–32                          appreciation, 422–28; five languages
                      actions: bias for, 137–38; inspired, 68,   of, 423–26; of leaders, 348; through
                       70–71. See also taking action     meditation, 73–74; score card,
                      active listening. See listening, active  427–28; as secret of success, 427
                      acts of service, as love language, 425  Appreciation Game, 275
                      Adams, Brian, 216                As a Man Thinketh (Allen), 271, 277
                      adrenaline, 150, 156             Aschauer, Peter, 474
                      advisors, 328–29, 336            Ash, Mary Kay, 145, 216
                      affirmations, 101–6; of forgiveness,    ask (asking), 174–80; for feedback,
                       259–62; guidelines for effective,    193–94; intuition and, 384. See also
                       101–3; how to use, 103–4; of love, 424,   questions
                       425; money and, 448–49, 471; power   Ask and It Is Given (Hicks), 93n, 449
                       of, 104–6; for vibrational match, 72–73  Assaraf, John, 117–18, 228–29, 230, 433

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