Page 3 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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(3)     Renewable Energy and Biofuels,
               (4)     Climate Change and Disaster Science,
               (5)     Biodiversity and Environment,
               (6)     Farm mechanization, and

               (7)     Socio-Economics and Higher Education.

               With  these  “commodity-based”  research  thrusts  and  the  thematic
               research thrusts as simultaneous considerations for potential sources of

               potential  researchable  areas,  and  based  on  external  environment
               (opportunities  and  threats)  and  internal  (ISU’s  strengths  and

               weaknesses),  the  University  research  agenda  were  generated.    The
               research agenda, with built in dynamics of flexibility, shall be the guide in

               the  formulation  of  research  proposals  and  the  basis  of  approving
               research support by the University.  The University Research Agenda is

               periodically  updated  when  new  research  directions  and  opportunities

                                                             and University’s R&D Manual of Operations

               Approved Research Manual

               The Research and Development of ISU is based on  ISU Research
               and  Development,  Extension  &  Training  (  RDET  )  Manual  of
               Operation  approved by the University Board of Regents (BOR) on
               June 14, 2010 through Resolution No. 10, s. 2010.  On September
               2014  (Resolution  No.  63  s.  2014)  the  ISU  Board  of  Regents
               approved  a  new  set  of  institutional  and  financial  incentives  for
               University  researchers  who  have  published  research  outputs  in
               recognized  publications/have  registered  inventions,  and  other
               research-related  outputs.   All  of   these  new  developments  were
               incorporated  and  made  part  and  parcel  of  the  R&D  Manual  of

               3  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   V :  R e s e a r c h / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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