Page 66 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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Third Best Paper award 5,000.00
These rewards shall be awarded on-the-spot during the University annual in-house review, provided
that each of the papers awarded shall meet the minimum weighted grade of 85% based on the criteria
used by the Panel of Evaluators.
NEWLY APPROVED FINANCIAL REWARD approved by the BOR on December 11,
2020 effective January 1, 2021
1. Cash Incentives for Best Undergraduate/Graduate Research (Cluster Level)
Undergraduate Cluster Graduate Cluster
Level Level
1 Place PhP 1,500 1 Place PhP
2 Place PhP 1,300 2 Place PhP
3 Place PhP 1,000 3 Place PhP
2. Incentives for Research Utilization
Incentive for Research output for commercialization/utilization by an industry or agency
(by MOA and technology transfer document): PhP 20,000.00 per technology/adoption
3. Incentives for Citations
Incentive for citations:
• PhP 2,000.00 per citation in ISI/Scopus Indexed Journals
• PhP 1,000.00 per citation in all other journals, conference proceedings, etc
Completed researches in the last 3-5 years
66 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p