Page 64 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
P. 64
1) Research Program
Research Personnel Incentive (PhP)
• Program Leader
▪ 2 projects 3,000.00/Program
▪ 3-4 projects 4,000.00/Program
▪ 5 projects or more 5,000.00/Program
• Project Leader
▪ 2 studies 2,000.00/Project
▪ 3-4 studies 2,500.00/Project
▪ 5 studies or more 3,000.00/Project
• Study Leader 1,500.00/Study
• Special Activities and Assignments
▪ University Expert Pool (UEP) to evaluate R&D proposals
o Team Leader/sector 1,000.00/meeting
o Team Member/sector 800.00/meeting
c. Other Forms of R & D Awards and Incentives
1. Support for Paper Presentation in Scientific Conferences. The University will provide
administrative and/or financial support for the presentation of scientific papers by faculty and
researchers in national or international conferences.
2) Support for Publication of Scientific Papers. The
University shall provide support for the publication of research outputs in internationally peer reviewed
3) Support for Published Research Outputs. The
publication of research outputs in international peer reviewed journals, where findings and conclusions
are validated through rigorous peer review, is the established standard in science.
Approved Revision on RDET Policies and Guidelines as approved by the BOR on December 11,
2020 effective January 1, 2021
4) Incentives for Journal publications:
Authors or research outputs published as scientific articles in international peer reviewed journals shall
be given the following financial incentives:
Nature of Publication/Publication Indexed in Financial Reward- Financial Reward-
(approved by the newly approved
BOR on (approved by the
September 2017) BOR on December
11, 2020)
Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science Thomson Reuters-ISI PhP 50,000.00 PhP 40,000.00
Elsevier/Scopus PhP 50,000.00 PhP 35,000.00
ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) PhP 30,000.00 PhP 30,000.00
Philippine Citation Index (PCI) PhP 25,000.00 PhP 25,000.00
Journal Incubation Category (CMO 53: Journal Incentive PhP 30,000.00 PhP 25,000.00
Other Refereed Journals PhP 10,000.00 PhP 10,000.00
64 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p