Page 59 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
P. 59
Evaluation of the Proposals
Projects ideally should cover one-year implementation period. All proposals will be reviewed by a
campus committee designated. Consolidated proposals by campus will be endorsed and submitted to
the University level for final review and approval by a committee to be designated by the VP-RDET.
Evaluation team in the campus and university level can make use of the set of evaluation criteria as
mentioned above.
Application Procedure
Potential researchers from various colleges and campuses of the university are invited to
submit a one-page research concept note presenting briefly the statement of topic/problem, aims and
significance of the research project, necessary background information, expected outcomes and
benefits, and scope and limitations. Short-listed applicants will be asked to submit an 8-10 page fully
developed research proposal.
Project Management
The University and Campus Research department will serve as the project management office.
Flowchart of procedures, activities and schedules as well as monitoring and evaluation is provided and
must be followed strictly.
Guidelines on Implementing Research Projects
a. Developing and Executing Legal Agreements
Approved research proposals for funding (internally or externally) shall be subject to Memorandum of
Agreement Understanding (MOA/MOU) between the proponent and the University and/or the funding
agency, subject to approval of both parties. Upon the completion of the MOA/MOU, a notice to proceed
shall be issued by the VP-RDET or the funding agency.
b. Designations of Research Personnel
Research designations shall be issued based on the approved research project (program, project,
study) strictly following standard research project hierarchy. For each duly approved research project,
designations shall be issued by the University President to all faculty members and researchers to be
involved in the implementation of the Project, specifying the academic workload of the involvement of
each of the faculty, e.g. as Program Leader, as Project Leader, as Study Leader, or as Project Staff.
Only the highest involvement per project shall be credited. When two are involved as co-leaders the
equivalent academic load shall be halved between them. Other hired members of the research team
shall be issued designations or contracted depending on the job specified in the approved research
proposal. The designation shall specify the duration of the involvement of each researcher. Likewise,
the designation shall provide that the researcher shall be on vacation sick leave (VSL) for the duration
of the designation.
c. Purchasing project supplies and equipment
Purchase of project equipment, supplies and materials shall be implemented following the standard
government procedures of public bidding. The annual procurement plan shall also be required for such
d. Program of work and budget
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