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National or regional scientific conference whose paper is awarded or recognized as “Best Paper”
shall be given financial incentive by the University in recognition of his/her performance of bringing
honor to ISU.
Parameter C. Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and
Utilization of Research Results/Outputs
Approved Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Intellectual Property Policy and Guidelines
(An excerpt from the RDET Manual of Operations)
Treasuring the substantial creativity, innovativeness and intellectual contribution of the faculty, research
and support staff, as well as students in the creation of intellectual property, the University adopts the
following policy guidelines on intellectual property.
Article I - Policy Statement
As a higher education institution (HEI) tasked to develop quality human resources, researches and
technologies for people empowerment, global competitiveness and sustainable development, ISU
encourages technological innovations, creations, and inventions by researchers and faculty members.
Pursuant to this, ISU-owned technologies, creations, and inventions when granted rights under existing
intellectual property regimes, shall be made available for public use consistent with ISU’s mandate to
transfer and disseminate appropriate technologies, except for valid reasons that would prevent such
case. In all cases, public access to ISU intellectual property rights is subject to rights of innovators,
creators and inventors.
Article II - General Guidelines
Section 1. Purpose of these Guidelines
To provide implementing rules and regulations on the Policy of Intellectual Property.
Section 2. Interpretation
The Intellectual Property Code (IP Code) of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 8293), the Plant Variety
Protection Act of 2002 (RA No. 9168), the Agriculture and Fishery Modernization Act (RA 8435), the
Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 (RA 8550), the Wildlife Act (RA 9147); Indigenous People Rights Act
(IPRA Law), the Inventor’s and Invention Incentives Act (RA 7459); the Magna Carta for Scientists,
Engineers, Researchers and other Science and Technology Personnel in Government (RA 8439); the
Administrative Code of 1987 (EO 292); and other relevant laws and their corresponding amendments,
implementing rules and regulations are deemed legal bases of these Guidelines. In case of conflict in
the interpretation of its provisions, these guidelines shall be interpreted in favor of the ISU inventor,
author, breeder, or other holders of IPR.
57 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p