Page 58 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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Policies and guidelines in the conduct of Research Activities
✓ Major steps in Developing the R & D programs
Research programs are generally considered as consisting of interrelated and complementary projects
usually implemented using the multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary approach to meet established goals
within specific time frames. They are usually broken down into projects that consist of interrelated
studies also designed to meet predetermined objectives within a specific time frame. The major steps
• Identification of strong research leaders
The development of research programs in the University starts with the identification of research
leaders with the necessary competencies in terms of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes.
• Creation of an Ad Hoc Committee
This will be followed by creating an Ad Hoc Committee preferably of five members from the various
disciplines who shall craft the common research framework.
• Appointment of experts to review and package proposal
Experts from the University Expert Pool shall then be sought to review the research program proposal
after which the research program proposal shall be packaged first-class by providing all the needed
information for donor support.
• Invitation of prospective fund donors
Prospective donors shall then be invited for a visit and briefing about the program.
The same process shall also be sought for sponsor-driven program proposals.
✓ Criteria in Evaluating R&D Proposals
Following are some considerations under each criterion to evaluate the Projects proposals:
1) Tangible Impact on Improving Quality of Academic Programs. The extent to which the proposal
is expected to bring direct benefits to the policy formulation aimed at improving quality of academic
2) Multidisciplinary Approach. The involvement of proponents coming from different disciplines is
given preference in the evaluation of proposals; The partnership of senior and Junior researchers
(mentor-mentee relationships) is also desirable.
3) Clarity and Manageability. The proposal should be clear, concise and implementable within the
period as proposed. Among the desirable characters should be:
• Key activities of the project and time for each are clearly outlined in the proposal.
• Attainable outcome results (long term) and output results (short term or immediate)
• Realistic performance measurement indicators
• Small scale and short project cycle (able to demonstrate results within shorter period)
4) Sustainability, Replication and Up-scaling. The extent to which the expected results of the
proposal have the potentials to be replicated or up-scaled in larger scale, in another geographic region
or in other context.
5) Realistic and Relevant Budget. Among these should include:
• The extent to which the proposed budget is realistic.
• The extent to which the proposed budget items are relevant.
58 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p